IMC Grupo

4 Reasons Why Nonprofits Should Send Newsletters to Donors

Operating a nonprofit means connecting to thousands of potential donors every year. Without your donors, your nonprofit might struggle to do what you created it to do. Understanding that there isn’t much you can do to thank your donors beyond verbally thanking them in writing and other forms of communication, you might want to try monthly newsletters. There are at least four good reasons why nonprofits should send monthly newsletters to donors.

1. To Keep Your Donors in the Loop

Donors gave to your organization because they liked what it stood for and what it’s doing. Newsletters keep them in the loop about what your organization is doing every month. Newsletters also get donors excited to see what positive impact their donations have made and encourage them to continue donating to your nonprofit.

2. To Show Donors What New and Exciting Things Your Organization Is Able to Do with Funding

Donors are sometimes wary about giving large amounts. Newsletters show how you used the funds, what your organization accomplished with the funds, and how other people were helped. If donors start out by giving small amounts, do as much as you can and then create the hype of what was done via the newsletters. Donors will be more inclined to give more when they see what you have done with less.

3. To Get New Donors Interested in Your Organization

Send a free newsletter to all potential new donors. Let them see what your nonprofit is accomplishing with donations from other donors and funding sources. These potential new donors are more likely to get involved and donate themselves because the newsletters act as a sort of “advertising” for your nonprofit.

4. To Publicly Thank on a Wider Scale the Donors You Do Have/ Provide Recognition

You will see nonprofits thanking donors and giving recognition to donors through newsletters. They will say things like, “Because of the generous donation from XYZ, our group was able to do this and that.” Follow this pattern because your donors want to be recognized for their charitable giving. It gives them the kudos they desire and a positive reflection on their companies or businesses for community involvement.

When other groups or individuals see competitors giving to your nonprofit and receiving recognition, they may want to donate too. Newsletters accomplish a multi-prong approach to garnering more donors and more funding. They act as advertising, informative brochures, acknowledgment for achievements, and more.

Sure, you could do a weekly newsletter, but not many donors have the time for that. As your nonprofit takes off, you won’t have the time to write one either. A monthly newsletter, however, gives you enough time to add a little something to the publication as you go along without taking up a lot of time and effort. Additionally, a monthly newsletter can feature highlighted events your nonprofit did that were really extraordinary and were funded by specific donors.

Operating a nonprofit means connecting to thousands of potential donors every year. Without your donors, your nonprofit might struggle to do what you created it to do. Understanding that there isn’t much you can do to thank your donors beyond verbally thanking them in writing and other forms of communication, you might want to try monthly newsletters. There are at least four good reasons why nonprofits should send monthly newsletters to donors.

1. To Keep Your Donors in the Loop

Donors gave to your organization because they liked what it stood for and what it’s doing. Newsletters keep them in the loop about what your organization is doing every month. Newsletters also get donors excited to see what positive impact their donations have made and encourage them to continue donating to your nonprofit.

2. To Show Donors What New and Exciting Things Your Organization Is Able to Do with Funding

Donors are sometimes wary about giving large amounts. Newsletters show how you used the funds, what your organization accomplished with the funds, and how other people were helped. If donors start out by giving small amounts, do as much as you can and then create the hype of what was done via the newsletters. Donors will be more inclined to give more when they see what you have done with less.

3. To Get New Donors Interested in Your Organization

Send a free newsletter to all potential new donors. Let them see what your nonprofit is accomplishing with donations from other donors and funding sources. These potential new donors are more likely to get involved and donate themselves because the newsletters act as a sort of “advertising” for your nonprofit.

4. To Publicly Thank on a Wider Scale the Donors You Do Have/ Provide Recognition

You will see nonprofits thanking donors and giving recognition to donors through newsletters. They will say things like, “Because of the generous donation from XYZ, our group was able to do this and that.” Follow this pattern because your donors want to be recognized for their charitable giving. It gives them the kudos they desire and a positive reflection on their companies or businesses for community involvement.

When other groups or individuals see competitors giving to your nonprofit and receiving recognition, they may want to donate too. Newsletters accomplish a multi-prong approach to garnering more donors and more funding. They act as advertising, informative brochures, acknowledgment for achievements, and more.

Sure, you could do a weekly newsletter, but not many donors have the time for that. As your nonprofit takes off, you won’t have the time to write one either. A monthly newsletter, however, gives you enough time to add a little something to the publication as you go along without taking up a lot of time and effort. Additionally, a monthly newsletter can feature highlighted events your nonprofit did that were really extraordinary and were funded by specific donors.