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5 Common Tricks About SEO

One of the maxims that have been repeated the most in recent years in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is: Content is King. Therefore, when carrying out the SEO optimization of a web page, it is not only enough to take into account the external SEO Off-Page factors -such as link building-, or the main SEO On-Page factors -development of an adequate structure, internal linking, tag structure or SEO Fields optimization, etc.

Before we proceed, I would like to take a moment to introduce the author of this beauty of an article. The knowledge you are about to get is brought to you by the one and only Web Design Agency and SEO Company Dubai – The Watchtower. Now let’s proceed.

Today, for a corporate website or an ecommerce to have positioning possibilities in the Google SERPs, it is essential to publish quality and useful content for the user. Because of the vast volume of content available on the Internet, it is becoming extremely impossible for a website to rank in the top scores. However, there are certain tricks for writing SEO content that can help you grow online

1) Know your audience

The first thing is to know who you are talking to. Each audience consumes information differently. You can use Google search apps, Google Keyword App, and Google Trends to figure out what people are searching for. If you have a webpage for dogs, it may recommend related searches: images of dogs, blogs about dogs, pictures of dogs, or it might also go to synonyms such as animals, for example. But you may not have detected important niches such as “videos to cheer you up” or “videos for when you’re sad.” Your content addresses needs by determining what they are, how they should be conveyed, and creating unique content.

2) Find the main keyword

Before beginning to write and fill in the blanks, it is critical to understand the user’s quest to which we want to answer. That is, what will be the Keyword toward which we will direct the content? It is convenient to do a preliminary study of the situation, know the user’s search intention, carry out an analysis of keywords in the sector and choose what will be the main keyword of the post. There are several tools that work as a keyword search engine with which to do this preliminary study in order to optimize writing.

We hope you are fascinated about these points? We are always excited to bring to your notice new and improved information regarding our niche especially anything that surrounds Web Design Dubai. Below is our next point on using the blog feature on your website.

3) Use your blog

Your blog is not only a perfect tool for creating Google-friendly content by achieving posts with excellent natural placement, but it also helps you to:

4) Write for people

One of the first rules to remember is that the person who will read the post is a human. SEO copywriting seems to be designed to impress search engines and follow the professional requirements they set. But that is not the case. It should not be overlooked that the end-user would be someone who is looking for answers to their questions. As a result, the writing must be plain, normal, and straightforward. It is not advisable to think about the same topic many times, since the user will look for the answer to their question and will do it quickly. One way to be clear and concise with your content is to use the question-answer format, where the question is directly resolved below.

5) Avoid duplicate content and cannibalization

When conducting this keyword research, keep in mind that there is no prior material in the web framework that speaks about the same thing. Otherwise, it could generate cannibalization problems and the positioning of the web is affected since we would be showing Google two different pages for the same search intention. This would mean competing against you. One way to avoid this situation is to have a publication calendar, where the content of the web is recorded, where the target keyword associated with each listing, product sheet, or post is stipulated.

For more on SEO tips and tricks, website development and digital marketing, you can always trust The Watchtower, the best and award winning company in Mobile App Development Dubai.