Amulets and charms can enhance energy in any space and may be just what you need to get lucky. These items may improve your fortune online too, so play a game at UFABET and take a chance on winning!
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Four-Leaf Clover
Most people associate luck with the four-leafed clover as its history is directly linked to Irish tradition, originally a three-leafed clover related to St. Patrick’s Day. It also stands as an icon for the Christian Holy Trinity: The God, The Son, And the Holy Spirit. If the fourth leaf is linked to the three leaves, it represents God’s grace!
This cat figurine is a good form of luck in Japanese culture, but it is often mistaken as a Chinese tradition because it is so popular among Chinese people. Maneki-Neko is the Japanese word for “beckoning cat”. This lucky charm is believed to attract good luck and fortune to the owner by waving or “beckoning” with its paw. It is often seen at restaurants or pachinko parlors.
Laughing Buddha
This charm is a Chinese monk with a chubby body and a big smile, also known as ‘Hotai’ or ‘Pu-Tai’ The Laughing Buddha can bring wealth and prosperity to homes and buildings, and those who believe in the folklore would rub the belly of the golden statue to fulfill their wishes. Like Manaki-Neko, this statue has different beliefs or different variations. He could have golden nuggets on his hands or a pot of shiny gold.
The horseshoe is not only used beneath horses’ hooves, but it is also a popular form of luck! It started with St. Dunstan, who nailed a horseshoe on the devil’s hoof instead of his horse. He then made a deal with the devil to release him only if he promised never to disturb any place with a horseshoe nailed above the front door. Since then, many people nailed horseshoes in their front door to avoid being consulted by the devil himself.
Alligator Teeth
Alligator Teeth are another popular charm that the tooth fairy would never expect to have. According to American folklore, this charm is known to bring good luck to anyone who owns it. It might not be the most beautiful charm for your next decoration or collection, but it will bring more good luck to you. And for animal lovers, No alligators are harmed or injured since they naturally shed their teeth.