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5 Reasons to Notarize

You have probably heard of notarization before, even if you don’t know exactly what it is. But notarization is something every small business owner needs to be familiar with. Notarizing important documents can save you a lot of time, money, and trouble later on.

What Does It Mean to Notarize?

A notarized document is one that has been authenticated by a notary. This authentication is useful for important agreements such as contracts and wills and other legal documents. Because a notary has certified a notarized document, all the parties in a transaction that utilize that document can be confident that it is authentic. The precise way that notarization works varies around the world. However, the benefits are universal, meaning a considerable amount of mutual acceptance between different countries.

There are numerous reasons to notarize a document. Some of these are immediately obvious, but there are also some more subtle benefits to this process. We have outlined some of the main advantages of notarization below.

It’s Easier Than You Might Think

Given that notarization involves validating legal documents, you might think it would be an expensive and time-consuming process. In reality, you can have documents notarized at a very reasonable cost. There are even some states that allow remote notarization, and an even greater number offering e-notarization. In total, 32 states now allow e-notarization, while four – Montana, Texas, Virginia, Nevada – allow full remote notarization.

You don’t have to live in one of the four states mentioned above to use an online notary. All that matters is that the notary is located in one of those states. You can get a list of the best online notary providers offering remote notarization straight from the source.

Deter Fraud and Detect Forgeries

Preventing fraud and rooting our forgeries is the main benefit of notarizing documents and the most common motivation for doing so. There are many situations in personal and professional settings where it is vital for all the participants in a transaction to trust the documentation underpinning it. Notarization offers security for all the participants and doesn’t require them to trust the others implicitly.

There is a legal obligation to notarize certain legal documents. Failure to do so can create significant issues if the documents in question are ever the subject of legal proceedings. A court can rule that a document is invalid based on it not being correctly notarized.

If there is any chance that you might later rely on a document to provide you legal protection in court proceedings, it is worth considering having it notarized. If you have a record notarized correctly, it will be difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to argue that it is a forgery.

Provide Legal Protection and Authentication in Contract Disputes

A contract dispute can be an expensive and drawn-out process. No one wants to spend months or years fighting against someone in court. Contracts are ultimately supposed to avoid these situations. The purpose of having a contract is to ensure that all parties are clear about the terms of their relationship.

But contracts are not always clear. There is also still room for the unexpected; no contract can foresee every eventuality. If a contract dispute does end up in court, it will behoove all parties involved to have the agreement notarized. Notarized contracts are guaranteed to be authentic, meaning all parties can trust the proceedings.

Ensure Mandatory Requirements Are Filled

Every state has its own rules and regulations about the notarization process. The procedure for notarizing a document varies from state to state. However, just because a document has been notarized in one state, doesn’t mean courts in another state won’t accept it. This mutual acceptability is why notaries can still provide remote notarization services in states that allow it for clients who reside elsewhere.

Having a document certified by a professional notary in the US will ensure a proper standard of authentication. You don’t have to worry about anybody disputing the document’s validity, regardless of which court ends up adjudicating.

Enhances the Value of a Document

A notarized document is automatically more valuable than a non-notarized document. Notarization is something that benefits everyone. If you have the option of a notarized document or a non-notarized one, you should always have it notarized if it is something you might rely on in a legal setting. Having a notarized document is just as important as having the right lawyer.

Notarizing a document can save you a considerable amount of time and trouble further down the line. Notarized documents are documents that everyone can trust the authenticity of. By having a document notarized, you head off any challenges to its authenticity before they even occur. Under US law, certain legal documents must be notarized. Therefore, it is worth knowing who the best providers are if you are likely to handle such documents.