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7 Reasons Businesses Should Hire Verification Services

There are risks that come with skipping background checks when hiring new employees. Often, companies only find out that there’s a problem with a certain individual once they’re already working for the company. That’s why business owners must work with providers of verification services to secure their operations and reputation. Here are more reasons verification services would benefit companies in various industries:

1. Ensure Efficiency In Gathering Information

Verification service providers aren’t just businesses doing simple research. They have a vast number of connections and access to specific data and records you may have difficulty looking for. You can find companies that have been operating for years, and their experience makes them experts in the field of data collection. In providing verification services, they’ll do the job for you using advanced tech-based measures.

For example, if you’re trying to look into an applicant’s credit management history, the verification service provider can perform a bank account verification process for you. Businesses that need to know if an applicant has submitted legitimate bank information can confirm that through verification processes.

2. Check One’s Financial Background

Lending companies receiving loan applications need to screen applicants because the applicant may default payments. When you’re in businesses such as retail lending, property rental, and car financing, it’s crucial to have an efficient screening process. That’s where verification services can help you.

Lending institutions can request such services to find out if a loan applicant has the ability to repay the loan they’re asking for. These services will allow you to screen information that would be useful when it comes to risk management.

3. Get Details On A Person’s Educational Background

Businesses looking for specific individuals to work with require particular expertise and capabilities. They have to look into each applicant’s educational background to ensure that they can do the job expected of them. Yet, some applicants submit falsified information to get into the company they have their eyes on.

Verification service companies can find out if information from applicants is true or false. Aside from that, they can determine if the applicant is of good moral character. This protects the business from liabilities in the long run.

4. Prevent Employee Theft

There’s no exact way of telling what kind of person you’re about to let into your company, so applicant screening is crucial. Your human resource department may be looking for specific traits in employees such as integrity, expertise, problem-solving skills, and the ability to learn quickly. But one characteristic that’s difficult to assess is honesty.

Businesses, especially established ones, carry important information and equipment that only a few have access to. There are instances when employees steal trade secrets, supplies, or products for their own benefit.

Verification service providers will inform you if an individual has a record of employee theft in their previous companies. Business owners hold onto such information to avoid rehiring the same people and help other companies steer clear of any unfortunate incident.

5. Help Businesses Comply With State Laws

The extent of verification of employee information can vary by state, and your in-house management team may not be fully aware of how to get around certain restrictions that may apply to your location. In New York and California, it’s illegal to share salary information amid hiring procedures. What verification service companies can do is adjust their information-gathering processes so as not to trample on the state’s laws and regulations but still address your requirements.

6. Get Automated Responses

Proof of employment letters can be falsified. Employment history verification is crucial in the job application process since it can either prove or disprove that an applicant has worked with other companies before as they claim they have. It also provides information such as certifications and criminal background, if any.

There are verification services that can quickly generate and send out a proof of employment document consisting of essential details such as job titles, responsibilities, and dates of employment. So even if an applicant brings their own, you can easily find out if what their letter holds is accurate.

7. Encourage Informed Decisions

As a hiring manager, you need to make critical decisions that will help shape the company’s future. Letting just about anybody work for the company is detrimental because they might not be trustworthy. Employees may only be after the salary and eventually neglect their responsibilities. Individuals who don’t have adequate skills and whose principles aren’t in line with the company’s often leave their jobs without warning.

Verification service companies provide the support you need when you’re looking for the right people to help scale your business. They help make sure that questionable people don’t set foot in your company.


Providers of verification services can assist you when you need more information about applicants. It takes a great deal of resources to run a business, and keeping your operations in check would be harder if you have a problematic employee who was able to get into your company because of improper background screening. Verification services are an investment that will allow you to keep an eye on the most critical aspects of your business in an efficient manner.