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8 Natural Remedies for Fading Acne Scars and Marks

No one likes to look in the mirror and see an acne scar. Acne scars can be a real pain for people with self-confidence issues, but there are some natural home remedies that were proven effective at fading away acne scars and marks!

In this informative blog post, we will talk about how to get rid of scars and how to fade away acne marks naturally.

Lemon Juice

Lemon is a citrus fruit that has natural bleaching properties. A lot of people have used lemon for cooking, making beverages, and cleaning for a long time. It can also be utilized to fade acne scars by simply applying fresh lemon juice to the affected area. Simply slice some lemon in half and rub each piece on acne scars for about five minutes to do this natural remedy.

Another way to use lemon as an acne scar remedy is to mix it with egg white. This acne scar treatment is especially effective for fading acne marks because the egg white helps to tighten skin pores while the lemon juice lightens the appearance of acne scars and acne marks over time!


Turmeric has natural healing properties which can help acne scars fade away. The reason turmeric works for acne scar treatments is because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial agents; all these qualities make it a great acne scar treatment since they promote skin cell growth by removing dead cells or reducing their development.

To use this remedy to fade acne scars naturally, you will need a bowl filled with hot water, a towel, and freshly cut pieces of raw turmeric. The first step is to soak your face in very warm water, then apply fresh pieces of raw turmeric on acne marks and acne scars; let sit for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

Coconut Oil

Another natural acne scar treatment is coconut oil! Coconut oil can be utilized as a topical acne scar remedy because it has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that help heal acne marks and fade away acne scars over time. There are several ways you can use coconut oil to fade away acne scars:

The first way is by simply applying virgin organic coconut oil on the affected area two times per day every day until acne scars disappear. The second method of using this natural skin care product for fading acne marks is by mixing one tablespoon of extra virgin olive or jojoba oils with half a teaspoon of organic virgin coconut oil.

Mix the ingredients and then gently rub the mixture into acne scars for about five minutes, once a day before sleeping at night. Do this acne scar treatment every day until acne marks are gone!

Garlic Clove Paste

Another popular natural remedy that people have been using for centuries is garlic cloves! Garlic has many healing properties, which makes it another effective acne scar treatment option because of its antibacterial, anti-viral agents and antioxidants that help fight acne from forming in the first place.

To use garlic as an acne scar remover, you will need two parts freshly squeezed lemon juice with one part peeled and finely minced or crushed garlic cloves. Apply directly on acne scars twice a day and let sit for about 30 minutes before washing acne scar treatment off with water.

Raw Honey

Next on the list is raw honey acne scar treatments! Raw honey is another great natural remedy for fading acne scars because it has antioxidants, antibacterial properties, and anti-inflammatory agents which promote skin cell growth.

It can be used in two different ways to fade acne marks away naturally: the first way is by mixing half a teaspoon of organic raw honey with one tablespoon of extra virgin olive or jojoba oil then gently rubbing into acne scars every day before going to bed at night; let sit overnight. The second method involves applying this mixture to acne scars after cleansing your face thoroughly. Leave the mask on acne scars for about 30 minutes before rinsing off with water.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E acne scar treatments are also great acne scar fading agents because it has moisturizing properties that help fade acne scars away naturally!

To use vitamin E for acne scars, simply apply a natural skincare product containing this acne scar treatment to the affected area twice per day until acne marks completely disappear.

Baking Soda

One very inexpensive way to fade away acne scars naturally is by using baking soda as a face scrub twice per week. Baking soda will exfoliate your skin, removing dead cells that can make acne scars appear darker than they really are.

To use this home remedy as an acne remedy, simply wet your face with warm water before applying about two teaspoons of baking soda in circular motions all over your face. Rinse off this home remedy after several minutes to reveal smoother, brighter skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The last natural acne scar treatment is apple cider vinegar acne scars! Because of their antimicrobial and acidic properties, Apple cider vinegar acne treatments will help fade away acne marks and acne scars.

To use this remedy, you need to apply organic raw apple cider vinegar directly on acne marks with a cotton ball, sit for about 15 minutes, and then rinse off thoroughly with water. This method can be used two times daily until acne scars are gone completely!