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A Comprehensive Guide to Background Check

Background checks can be used for a variety of purposes. Contrary to what you might have seen on a Hollywood blockbuster they are not always for shady characters in spy or action movies! Many background checks are carried out for mundane and routine purposes, while others can be brought about by suspicion that someone is not quite who they say they are.

If you check out you’ll see how a professional background check provider does the job. They help many people and organizations find out more about people they are interested in for a variety of reasons, so let’s talk now about why someone might want to run a background check on another individual.

Background Checks for Employment

Employers are routinely using background checks to get all the information available on prospective employees. However, in many states of the USA there are restrictions as to what sort of information can be requested. For example, the ‘Ban-the-Box’ law precludes employers in many states from asking about or searching for information on criminal records until the employee has passed the interview stage and met the qualification criteria. This is to ensure equality across the board.

Employers may access credit records with agreement from the candidate, and can also look for various other data that is stored about a person electronically. You may be surprised how easy it is to find out a great deal about a person with a simple background check run professionally. There are local and federal laws about what is and is not permitted, and buy using a professional service such as that mentioned you remain within the law.

Background Checks in Real Estate

Real estate is a popular area for background checks to be made by either a potential tenant looking for a place to rent, or a landlord checking out a potential tenant. The checks can bring out past problems with keeping up with rent, for example, as well as criminal past misdemeanours, so the landlord can see if the tenant is the person they want to rent to.

For tenants checking landlords this is a useful solution as it highlights comments and experiences from previous tenants that may outline whether the landlord is reliable or otherwise. This is important to establish trust between the two parties and should be a two-way procedure that is both expected and welcomed by all involved.

Marriage and Dating Background Checks

We are constantly reminded to take care with private information as much of our lives is stored digitally. This can include employment records, addresses and phone numbers, financial information and criminal records. Also education history and family information is easy for a professional to uncover. Why might you want to run a background check on someone you are dating or are intending to marry?

The world of online dating is riddled with scams: people claiming to be someone and something they are not is far from uncommon. We’ve all heard the stories of a couple from different countries meeting on an online dating platform, and one or the other asking for money to enable them to travel to be with the other half. These stories are real, and people are scammed with this method and others all the time. By having a professional check who you are talking to is genuine you are saving a lot of possible heartbreak and financial turmoil, and they need never know!

The sheer depth of information relating to each and every one of us that is readily available to those who know how to access is amazing, so if you need a background check get in touch with the professionals and stay on the safe side.