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A Quick Guide to Understanding Acne: Find The Best Dermatologist In Pune

Your skin is a sensitive region that needs to be taken care of. There are a bunch of dermatological issues that can impact your skin health. When it comes to naming the common skin issues, acne or pimples will top the list. There are mild to extreme cases of acne that can severely impact your physical and mental health.

Fortunately, you can cover all your treatment expenses with a Bajaj Finserv Health card. It allows you to make cashless treatment and pay in easy installments. But before that, you must be aware of what acne is and how you can get the best treatment with a reliable dermatologist.

This article is dedicated to telling you everything about acne, its causes, symptoms, and how you can find your ideal dermatologist.

What Is Acne?

Acne is a common skin disease that generally happens on your skin. It occurs when the skin’s pores are blocked due to oil, bacteria, or dead cells. Acne can appear anywhere on your face or body. It generally occurs during the teenage years when kids hit puberty. However, acne is common among people of all ages.

Acne can leave you scars that can be stubborn to go away. It would be better to seek assistance from the best dermatologist in Pune if you are concerned about your skin health. Your dermatologist can advise you on laser treatments, surgeries or pills to remove those stubborn acne scars.

What Are The Causes Of Acne?

Here are a few common causes of acne that you need to be aware of:

  1. Sebaceous glands or oil glands are known to secrete sebum. But when the secretion increases, it can build up on the skin and close the follicles. Such build-up can create an environment for bacterial growth. The pores filled with bacteria turn into acne.
  2. Puberty can be a significant reason for acne development. When teenagers hit puberty, some hormonal changes can create a favourable condition for acne.
  3. Menstruation may also lead to acne. During the menstrual cycles, acne can be triggered on the skin that may lead to scars.
  4. If you are pregnant and face significant hormonal changes, you may be under the radar of acne formation. There have been cases where pregnant women have gone through considerable acne spread.
  5. Certain medications can adversely affect your skin. Corticosteroids or androgens are some of the supplements whose excessive usage can result in acne.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms of Acne?

Acne is caused when your hair follicles on the skin are blocked with dead skin or oils. It generally starts with blemishes that range in different levels of intensity. Below are the common signs and symptoms of acne:

  1. Whiteheads
  2. Red and tender bumps
  3. Pimples
  4. Blackheads
  5. Painful lumps under your skin
  6. Nodules and cysts
  7. Pus-filled lumps on the surface of the skin

Acne only results in scars when they create lesions. There are variations in the development of acne scars that a dermatologist can better understand. It is also essential to detect the type of acne you have to find adequate treatment.

What Are The Treatment And Procedure For Acne?

There are plenty of treatments for acne that vary according to the severity of the condition. Some standard therapies include facial massages, chemical peels, laser, micro-needling, resurfacing, etc. A dermatologist can use the necessary treatment to obliterate the acne scars from your skin.

Laser treatments or medical pills are still considered the best method to treat acne. 

Let’s take a look at the benefits of laser treatment:

As a result, laser treatment has emerged as an effective treatment for acne and its scars dermatologically approved.

What Is The Cost Of Acne Treatment In Pune?

The cost of acne treatment majorly depends on the condition. If you are in Pune, the average cost of acne treatment will fall between ₹2,000 to ₹5,000 per session. The price of chemical peels starts from ₹3,000, and laser treatments will cost you around ₹5,000 per session.

However, it depends on the dermatologist and the type of clinic you visit to determine the actual cost. You may find different rates everywhere; fair comparison will help you in making a decision.

Tips To Find A Reliable Dermatologist in Pune

Now that you know some vital details regarding acne, it is time to learn how you can find an ideal dermatologist. For this, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Always check the credentials of the dermatologist to ensure their authenticity.
  2. Make sure to verify their experience in dermatology. He/she should be experienced in handling different acne cases.
  3. Go through their portfolio and ascertain the number of successful cases they have completed.
  4. You can also check reviews from preview patients to better understand their expertise.
  5. Verify their fees and make sure it fits in your budget.
  6. Ascertain the type of dermatological services they provide to check whether it is suitable for you.

The Bottom Line

Acne can be problematic until a qualified and expert dermatologist treats them. You need to understand what has caused acne on your skin and its best treatment. Keep a check on your symptoms and get yourself diagnosed by a dermatologist in Pune.

This article covers all the imperative information regarding acne, including its causes, symptoms, and treatments. Now you also know how you can land the best dermatologist in your city and get an efficient treatment for your acne and its scars.