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Are Doctors Responsible for the Prescriptions they Prescribe?

Yes. Many doctors commit medical malpractice when they prescribe drugs that are inappropriate for a patient and which end up harming those patients, sometimes fatally. The medication error lawyers at Cohen, Placitella & Roth PC have met with many people over the years who lost a loved one or suffered harm themselves when they took a prescription drug inappropriately.

Types of Prescription Drug Errors

A patient can be injured when a doctor does any of the following:

Prescription drug errors are surprisingly common. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), about 1.3 million people are injured or killed each year due to prescription errors. These numbers remain stubbornly high, despite the movement to electronic patient records which are designed to minimize mistakes.

Why Doctors Make Prescription Drug Errors

A doctor who is following the correct standard of care should not make these types of errors listed above. Unfortunately, many errors stem from:

Patients can contribute to the confusion, however. For example, a patient might not disclose all the drugs she is taking or her allergies. And since a doctor can’t read a patient’s mind, they have no way of knowing that the drug they are prescribing is dangerous.

A Word on Defective Drugs

Doctors are not always responsible for a negative reaction a patient has to a prescription drug. For example, a drug might be defective and have side effects which outweigh any health benefit for the patient. However, doctors are not always aware of these risks, primarily because they are not disclosed by the manufacturer. Your local doctor is not charged with manufacturing drugs or determining whether they are safe enough to go onto the market—the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) takes on that role.

Compensation for Victims Injured by Prescription Errors

If you or a loved one was prescribed the wrong drug, then you might qualify for compensation to cover the cost of medical care, lost income, and pain and suffering. For example, someone might end up in the hospital with cardiac arrest and incur mammoth medical bills, all because they took the wrong drug.

If a loved one died, then other types of compensation are available in Pennsylvania. To learn more, you should schedule a meeting with an experienced medication error attorney in Philadelphia to review your medical history.