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Augurisk: An App to Warn You About Crime and Natural Disasters

New York-based Hazard and Risk assessment company Augurisk recently launched a free mobile application, Augurisk Now. Mohamed Mezian, Founder of Augurisk details how this freeapp empowers users to explore crime and natural disaster risk anywhere in America

What are the five most important things one should consider while buying a property? How does Augurisk Now app helps in the decision-making process?

The acquisition of a new property is an important decision that could have an impact on the risk exposure and the quality of life of its inhabitants for more than 20 years.

Augurisk Now allows its users to generate a free risk assessment on the properties they’re interested in. The resulting report covers Crime risk and natural disasters, including floods, storms, wildfires and earthquakes. By ensuring that the risk scores for flood, storm and wildfires remain low, users can have the peace of mind of knowing they won’t have to deal with potential disaster damage in the future.

Some natural disasters are unavoidable, but they do not have to be overwhelming. Most businesses suffer in the aftermath and lack the plans to save themselves from shutting down. According to you, what are the measures to minimize the risks and manage the negative impacts as effectively as possible?

Although businesses are supposed to plan for their disaster resilience, the reality is that most don’t as they don’t believe it is a priority. Augurisk provides reports and portfolio overview tools to help businesses identify their risk exposure to better prepare for their disaster recovery plan.

Ideally, businesses should use tools such as Augurisk in the first place to ensure their future locations are not exposed to significant disaster risk. It’s always better to prevent than to mitigate.

How can AI solve safety issues and reduce risks in the future? How does Augurisk Now plan to transform the risk management space with Machine Learning? 

Our scientific team uses AI to either predict future trends, or to bypass the lack of data on certain risks. For example, since crime data at the block group level is only available in a few cities in the US, we developed a spatial crime occurrence prediction algorithm to help us develop a score that would cover all territories within the US at the block group level with a high accuracy.

Do you have any new updates coming soon that will improve safety and reduce risks?

The Augurisk Now app now has a Risk Explorer mode where users can subscribe to explore crime and disaster risks anywhere in the US on a map, right from their phones.

Moreover, our team is continually improving the accuracy of our existing scores while implementing new risk factors, which are now totalling 12 with the recent addition of Drought.

We believe our work has the potential to save lives and help businesses have a clearer picture of the future.