IMC Grupo

Beef Up Your Online Security

Hackers. They’re awful, and they can cause irreparable harm to you and your business. Their stealthy techniques allow them to infiltrate your defenses, and wreak havoc in the process. But what exactly is hacking? Do these guys and gals actually sit in some high-tech basement somewhere figuring out what your password is, with sophisticated devices and coding expertise? Or are their efforts much simpler, and more sinister? Truth be told, hackers are often given access to your files, folders, and operating system by you. Through a series of devious techniques – phishing, pharming, and spyware – these criminals are always on the prowl.

Vigilance is your best defense against their efforts. Identity theft is arguably the biggest concern whenever you log onto your Internet-connected device. Once your Social Security number (SSN), or ID number is stolen, alongside your name, address, and credit card information, it can be a disaster remedying the situation. People have had their entire livelihoods destroyed, their credit scores ruined, and endured tremendous financial hardship as a result of identity theft. Sadly, many of these problems can be avoided by simply following commonsense advice.

Today, we’re going to stop them in their tracks!

Security consultants stress that it’s important to know how to block specific websites in order to stay safe online. Fortunately, there are powerful tools that you can use to do precisely that. Keep the noise at bay, and your mind focused on what’s important. It’s possible with powerful software for browsers like Chrome and Firefox, and android devices. Many of these tools allow you to select which websites you’d like to block so that you’re not distracted.