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Common Mistakes by Amazon Third-Party Seller

As the leading eCommerce, Amazon has a vibrant third-party selling platform. It allows independent traders to create accounts and list products. The sellers can then take advantage of the millions of the buyers who visit the site.

While the chances of profitability from the site is high, some business never get it right. Others also fail to hit the maximum returns. Here are some of the most common third-party seller mistakes on Amazon;

Slow Response

Amazon is a fast-moving platform. The millions of clients are looking for speedy interactions and fulfillment. That is why the platform has been working to improve the speed of delivery. It has improved from the three days delivery to the next and now the same day delivery.

As a seller, you have to take advantage of investing in fast responses. There are several sellers, and you would only thrive if you reply fast enough. Failure to get back to inquiries means the prospective clients would move to the next available seller.

Unmatching Product and Listing

Unlike physical shops where clients can verify products, online buying is all about description—some common listing mistakes are where you post in a hurry leaving out essential details. Take time to ensure your listing has all the details.

The product should also have accompanying high-quality pictures. Presenting your products in the best light makes it easier for the clients to choose your products. Proper descriptions and matching pictures also help to create trust.

Competing Amazon

The other Amazon suicidal trading mistake is to compete with the platform directly. The high returns by the platform can make it seem like it is the right thing. However, it is not ideal if you don’t have the resources.

Amazon has the top of the range of resources. They can afford top-quality technology and experts. No single person would find it easy matching this.

The platform also invests in algorithms and data. Look for a competitive niche that allows you survival space.

Breaking Amazon Rules

Before you start trading in Amazon, you have to understand the terms and conditions. Failure to follow the guidelines means you won’t trade on the platform. The Amazon provisions are what ensures the brand name.

Cancellation of an account comes with multiple losses to the seller. You have to forfeit the money you have used on getting started. You might also the products already on the Amazon warehouse or have to incur the logistical costs.

Failure to Invest More On the Business

Anyone serious business person understands the need to invest in a business. An online business platform like Amazon is no exception. The first investment is on the products.

Go for the best quality, and don’t shy from adding value. You should also look into multiple marketing tools.

You are also better off with tools like IO Scouts sales estimator to help you understand the market dynamics. The more you invest in your business, the better the returns.

Ignore Competition

Even though Amazon offers you the needed market, it also comes with competition. Just like you can sell globally, you also get to compete globally. You, therefore, don’t want to risk not looking into your competition.

Without understanding the competition, you can’t know their weak points. You also won’t know the best way to compete and come out on top. Ignoring the competition also means you won’t understand the demand for your products.

Using Inaccurate Sales Data

Data is one of the most critical aspects of your online sales. You have to understand the market and demographics. You also need the data to understand the demand and competition. Without data, you can’t gauge the trends and the possible outcome on different strategies.

However, there are tools like IO Scout Amazon, which is all about data. It comes with powerful tools for a successful online business. It provides analytics, keyword research, and other useful assistant resources.


For now, Amazon is one of the best platforms any prospective seller can use. However, failure to observe the Amazon guidelines and lack of customer experience would cost you. You also don’t want to provide unmatching product listing or ignore the competition. You also need the right tools for the best market data.