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Dogs Cry – Should Owners Be Worried?

Animals, like humans, have feelings. Sensitivity is mostly present in dogs, who often sympathize with their owners. That’s why you’ve probably once wondered if pooches cry when overwhelmed by emotions and if their tears look like humans.

It is normal for dogs to show some of the same behaviors as their humans since they imitate them. But the way these animals express their emotions is different from that of humans. You may assume that your beloved pup is sad when you see their eyes full of tears, but that doesn’t have to mean. You could use some great reference to determine why your pet acts this way.

Tears Don’t Symbolize Sadness

Your pet’s teary eyes have more to do with health than feelings. Unlike humans, tears in dogs are merging into the nose and throat. Their bodies aren’t set up to secrete this liquid when they are expressing some emotion. So when you see wet eyes in your pup, don’t think they’re down or sad.

When dogs are sad, scared, or stressed, they don’t just cry. When these animals’ feelings are hurt, they will generally do their best to get away from it. Your pup might curl up or go limp on the ground or hide somewhere to ‘suffer’ in silence.

Tears as Symptoms of Disease

Tears in the medical world signify discharge from the eyes. To some extent, this is normal because this liquid keeps this organ moist and protects it from external factors. But in the case of increased tear production in dogs, it’s most often a symptom of an infection or allergy.

Eye Infection

Conjunctivitis often occurs in dogs, regardless of breed. It’s usually not an independent disease but manifests itself as a symptom of a more severe condition. The redness and watery, mucous, or bloody discharge from the eyes are indications of conjunctivitis.

If the infection is severe, the dog’s eyes may be swollen. Changes may be seen on the eyelids, and you can see your pet scratches or puts paws on the areas around the eyes because of pain.

For more information on how to help a pup with conjunctivitis, see below:


The most common cause of eye irritation in dogs may be dirt or lashes stuck in their eyes. The smoke can also cause short-term secret discharge. Then the tears appear as ‘cleansers,’ just as long as it takes for the irritants to be removed naturally.

Certain substances can cause stronger reactions and mucous discharge. If your pet has had teary eyes for days, it may be an allergic reaction. Dogs can be allergic to many things such as pollen, dust, or some food. In case the eye discharge lasts, visit a vet to detect the potential cause of the allergy. They will perform several tests or suggest a diet to determine the allergen using the elimination system.

Blocked Tear Duct

Excessive wetting of pups’ eyes can occur as a result of clogged tear ducts. That discharge (epiphora) causes dark circles around the eyes, especially visible in animals with lighter hair. Over time, reddish spots and skin irritation may occur. Rinsing will help, but only with drops and solutions approved by a vet after determining the cause of excessive tears.

How Pups Express Feelings

When dogs are not in the mood, they can’t complain about that. There are some signs by which you can recognize when your pet is happy, such as wagging tail, jumping, and wanting to cuddle and play. Likewise, every responsible owner should learn to recognize the signs of sadness and anxiety.

Dogs usually use sounds to share their feelings with owners. They can sometimes use whining to express sadness, anger, anxiety, and other emotions. If they don’t make any sound, you have to look for some other signs of a bad mood, like lack of joy, hiding, etc. When pups are distressed, they often reject food and contact with people, even those they love.

Crying, on the other hand, usually means something more serious. Tears can signify that your pet experience some physical pain or discomfort. Something might hurt them but for real. If your pup is ill, you can expect whining while their recovery, taking medicines, sleeping – just to let you know what is wrong.