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Emerging Role of Technology in Healthcare System

Do you remember how our mothers swept the floors with a broomstick in the old days? Thanks to technology, now we have vacuum cleaners that can easily do the job for us. It was just a simple example of how technology has succeeded in altering our lives for the better. There are consistent scientific breakthroughs and newer devices, gadgets, etc., brought into the market that makes us awestruck.

Even though technological progress is happening in each field, there is one subject where technology has provided humans some immense relief, healthcare. There have been several inspiring workings, such as artificially intelligent limbs for disabled people or the Mass Spec pen to detect cancer. Such technological advancements have bettered the prevention procedures in healthcare. Moreover, diagnostic and treatment opportunities have also considerably evolved, all credits to the collaboration between healthcare and technology.

There have also been significant changes in healthcare procedures since the advent of scientific innovation. It has also created some unique yet highly useful fields, such as becoming a forensic nursing investigator or a health information manager. These are some unique career paths for professionals to take up in the modern healthcare scenario.

Talking about science and revolution, here we discuss a few advancements that have altered the medical field massively.


How can we forget the famous fitness watches? Carrying one on yourself is now a fad. But for people with health concerns, such tracking devices are a blessing. There are numerous different trackers available apart from the trending fitness watches. Some sensors monitor heart-rate while exercising; others can measure your breathing levels. Whatever health concern you have, there is one other technological device to cater to your need.


Genome sequencing is a process to study the DNA pattern of an organism. It is a vast field. However, genome sequencing provides critical insights into an individual’s health, such as their family history, drug sensitivities, and other multifactorial medical conditions. Genome sequencing is considered a kind of breakthrough in health care. It has all been possible due to technological modernization.


Nanotechnology is the use of small-sized devices or drugs to treat patients and provide medical care. One example of nanomedicine is the provision of medications to specific cells inside the body using nanoparticles. The benefits of this include lower levels of side-effects and the delivery of higher levels of drug dosage only to the trouble areas.


VR aims to provide users with a physical experience on a virtual platform. It uses sensors to give the same feeling one would get in the physical world. Virtual reality is known to help patients and aspiring doctors alike. Wearing VR headsets while giving birth has helped women ease some of their pain and soothe them. On the other hand, using VR for practicing surgeons to try out operating over patients can provide them with a real-life experience without risking an individual’s life.


Similar to every other field, technological advancements have modernized the healthcare system as well. Medical facilities have significantly advanced and now provide more promising diagnostic and treatment procedures. Since healthcare aims to provide a better life, technological innovation is hugely beneficial in the healthcare system.