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Entrepreneurs Should Now Invest in Video Marketing

In the past, video marketing would be considered an advertising tactic that would require a significant investment that may produce a low ROI. There was no effective way to measure both sales attribution or engagement. Also, it was difficult to determine the right audience and had limited options to deploy any videos. Small business owners often allocated their time and advertisement budget to other more traditional channels such as direct mail, print ads, or even billboards.

These traditional advertising channels felt impersonal, generic, and did not provide any relevant product information. For highly competitive sectors, driving in retail traffic or generating a service lead is a high priority. It is easy to see how a small business owner could quickly become frustrated with advertising.

However, modern digital marketing technology has now evolved to enable entrepreneurs both an affordable option for video assets and new advertisement channels for deployment that could expand their reach.

Why Invest in Video Marketing

Entrepreneurs looking to build an effective go to market strategy should consider investing in a building video content. The marketing data suggests that this would deliver a significant ROI.

3 high impact industry trends:

Generate Greater Engagement with Video Marketing

Users start their buying customer journey with an online product research. They may search for product information, specifications and user reviews.

Today, 80% of the internet searches are being conducted from highly engaged prospective users on a mobile device. Also, 40% of users want to shop with their local business in their area.

Developing video content enables small business owners to rise above the marketing “noise” as prospective consumers search on their mobile device. Additionally, they would be delivering a high-quality video without the high cost of video production.

1. Video Marketing Software

Video software has now been developed to deliver a high-quality video with a user-friendly experience while being very affordable. Video software also supplies various pre-made video templates, fonts, color options, as well as music tracks. With a few clicks, a entrepreneur can build a high quality video using their own high res imagery.

Taking all of the guess work out will help small business owner deploy relevant videos with the greater assurance of potential greater engagement.

2. Connect with Your Customer Base

Today, users desire a greater personalized experience. Fortunately, video marketing is tightly aligned to build that essential personalized connection. Forward thinking entrepreneurs will build video content that showcases their products or services resonating with prospective customers.

Marketing videos can be leveraged to also build customer loyalty. Building a simple video thanking them for their business goes a long way. This type of engagement would be very meaningful and more sincere than any other email. Establishing loyalty with customers has proven beneficial as they could generate more sales or increase leads.

3. Widen Your Marketing Reach

Small Business owners could utilize a video strategy that could be deployed in various channels. Based on their business objective, this could deliver a high impact engagement. In fact, 72% of prospects would rather watch a short video than to read content.

Below are some channels a single marketing video could impact:


Small business owners should include Video Marketing as part of the marketing strategy. As younger and older consumers become more digital savvy, they will be more likely to watch a video than read about it. By understanding the user habits of discovery by channel, investing in an affordable video software solution, and maximizing the audience potential, small businesses will secure a high ROI for their advertising investment.