IMC Grupo

Four Essay Types You Have to Know up Tight

Nowadays students are supposed to develop tons of essays, book reviews and articles every month. Academic boards think different types of essay writing develop some skills and increase certain knowledge area, so it’s the way to no matter what your opinion about all that is.

«As a school, college and university student you have to be ready to deliver copious amounts of essays, which fall into four essential categories: Expository, Persuasive, Analytical, and Argumentativ», says Daniel Wade, an editor from company. These types of essay routine are the most wide-spread writing activities, so knowing the difference and at least some basic characteristic features is key to success. Plus, an intel like that will help you save lots of time browsing the web each time there is an essay task to complete.

Expository Essay

Among all essay types, expository pieces are the easiest ones. You simply dwell upon a certain event, subject, theme, or idea. Sometimes you have simply to outline your personal attitude towards a certain ongoing or happening. Expository essays are quite similar to opinion essays, where you simply express your thoughts and opinions in a coherent, cohesive and engaging manner.

A proper expository essay must have a consistent thesis statement, which is a question raised in your essay, and which is answered to in the main body of your piece. Secondly, an expository work does make a statement and clears out a certain point. You might want to use quotes and references to back up your opinion as well.

Persuasive Essay

A bit more difficult, as in addition to the goals listed in the previous paragraphs, you have to find means to persuade your audience in the correctness and rightness of your thesis and points made in the essay.

To achieve that goal, a smart student analyzes his target audience and then looks for specific means to persuade them and this score a high grade. Never get emotional or passionate, unless you’re skillful enough to apply Pathos or Ethos in your essay. Don’t feel confident enough? Stick to Logos delivering well-though and well-structured pieces of information, which is the easiest and the most universal way to win over the favor of your readers and listeners.

Analytical Essay

Analytical essay writing is perhaps the most difficult. Why? Because you’re not only supposed to have a good command of writing skills, you also have to wield noteworthy analytical skills and mindset, which are traits not all students naturally have. Nonetheless, you still have to do your nest.

In the framework of argumentative essay mastering, you have to analyze, examine, and interpret a particular event, literary, music or movie piece, play, or any other work of art. An analytical essay consists of four parts:

1) introduction, where you present your topic and thesis

2) analysis, where you discuss a topic and present your arguments dwelling upon initial author’s work from different angles and points of view

3) personal response, where you give your personal critical evaluation of the subject under analysis, which might be either positive or negative

4) conclusion, where you reveal bonds between an original subject and arguments presented.

Remember, when crafting an analytical essay, retelling the story is prohibited. The trick is to present your personal response and speculations on a particular topic, which should preferably be unique and peculiar, at least.

Argumentative Essay

Among all types of essay, argumentative and analytical ones are the most challenging. As far as argumentative essay goes, it’s quite similar to a persuasive one, but it goes much further aimed not only to persuade someone, but to do it in the light of disputing am opposing point of view. To put it simply, you have to persuade readers why your point of view is right, and the contrary is wrong.

The hardest part is that you have to be aware of all the arguments pro and against a certain statement. Even if you take one side in the dispute, you have to be aware of the other as well, which makes you study twice as more sources and background materials. Having to highlight both pros and cons regarding a topic, your own point of view still have to offer much more “selling” arguments, which is a trick you have to pull.

All in all, there are three approaches as to how to structure your argumentative essay:

1) thesis statement, pro idea one, pro idea two, cons and refutations, conclusion

2) thesis statement, cons and refutations, pro idea one, pro idea two, conclusions and

3) thesis statement, pro idea one + cons, pro idea two + cons, conclusions.