Science / Health

How do you tell if your dog has ear mites or yeast infection

The most observed and clear symptoms of the dog suffering from ear infection are that they will start smelling weird, they will continuously ich their ears and ears may get painful. The ear mites are a microscopic organism that can be observed under a microscope and cannot be traced with naked eyes. They form white dots or clusters which feed on the ear wax and natural oil produced from the skin. On the other hand, yeast infection is caused due to a moist environment inside the ear due to improper cleaning and drying of ears after the bath.

Ear Mites

Ear mites are caused by parasite germination inside the ear canal, commonly known as Otodectes Cynotis. The ear mites are very small microscopic organisms that feed on the ear wax. Banixx discusses various ways to clean ear wax properly. It is highly infectious and cannot be spotted with bare eyes. The lifespan of ear mites is about three weeks, they start to breed inside the ear canal of dogs and causes itchiness and irritation. Ear mites can aggravate if the dog is suffering from immune disorders or endocrine disorders, such as thyroid disease. The exposure to unwanted dirt and foreign particles may also lead to invasion by ear mites. Ear mites are contagious and often get transferred from other animals.

Symptoms of Ear Mites

When the ear mites start to breed inside the ear, it causes terribly uncomfortable sensations. The dog will shake the head more randomly and also scratch the ears too often. It is the first symptom of ear mites. When the ear mites have bred, the infestation makes the earwax sticky. Small clots of dried blood can be observed while the earwax are cleaned. When these symptoms are avoided, the parasite will breed more inside and can damage the eardrum of dogs.

The infestation of ear mites starts from the middle ear and soon reaches inside the ear, causing pain and discomfort. This infection should be treated as soon as the first visible symptoms are seen, as ear mites have the ability to cause hearing loss in dogs. The ear mites are very difficult to observe and detect, often dog owners confuse ear mites with yeast or bacterial infection. Therefore, whenever any unusual behavior is perceived, dog owners should take their pets to a veterinary doctor.

  • Dogs will shake their head and paw their ears more rapidly and aggressively.
  • They will scratch the ears causing discomfort.
  • A dark discharge of earwax mixed with dried blood can be observed while ears are cleaned.
  • There can be an unpleasant smell coming from the ears.

Yeast Infection

Yeast or bacterial infection is mostly reported in dogs who have floppy ears. The yeast finds a suitable environment to germinate inside dog’s ears, as they are warm and dark. Further, this condition gets more favorable when there is an accumulation of moisture inside the ear. Floppy ears reduce the airflow inside the ears and yeast infection grows rapidly accelerated by these conditions. The ear canal of dogs is generally L-shaped, which is ideal for holding any fluid or moisture inside and that is the main reason behind yeast infection.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

Yeast infection produces a weird smell from the animal’s ears. It produces a sticky yellowish discharge from the ear, causing sensitivity and inflammation. The dog may rub their ears and scratch their head more often. It is observed that when the ear produces discharge, dogs frantically shakes their head in order to remove any unwanted particle from the ears. The dog may walk in circular motion or tilt the head towards the side of ear infection. The yeast or bacterial infection is more readily visible than ear mites, it causes inflammation, redness, excessive earwax buildup and unpleasant odor.

Yeast infection may get severe if not treated properly and there can be tremendous imbalances observed when the dog is walking. It may also lead to tumor or polyp inside the ear which is cancerous and can cause severe threat to the dog’s health. There can be a permanent hearing loss if yeast infections are not treated properly.

  • Dogs will shake the head unidirectionally to remove unwanted objects from the ear.
  • Dogs will scratch and paw their ear which is infected.
  • The dog can lose their balancing control or may walk in a round motion or pathway.
  • Sticky yellowish discharge can be observed coming out of ears, which is of unpleasant smell.
  • Inflammation, redness and swollen ear are the visible symptoms.

Ear infections are very common in dogs and it is the reason behind possible visits to veterinarian. With proper consultation and precautions, these infections can be eliminated and avoided. The dog owner needs to take proper care of hygiene and cleanliness to protect the pet from any infection and disease.

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