
How TikTok App works and How you can get likes and followers

Tiktok starts making suppositions the second you’ve opened the app, before you’ve really given it anything to work with. Visualize a version of Facebook that was able to fill your feed before you’d friended a single person. Now that is Tiktok. The users who are looking to post are immediately shown the trending group challenges, hashtags or popular songs. The bar and stakes are low. Large audiences feel within reach and smaller ones are easy to find, even when you’re just playing around with the app.

All you need to boost your profile on tiktok is to have good number of followers on your tiktok profile and likes, shares, comments and views on your videos this will give boost to your videos and profile so you can easily become tiktok star.

On most social networks the primary step to screening your content to tons of individuals are grinding to create an audience, having many friends, being incredibly beautiful or wealthy and being comfortable enough to display that. Tiktok instead boosts users to jump from audience to audience, trend to trend, creating something like simulated temporary friend groups, who get together to try friend- group things: to share an inside joke, to tune on a song etc.

 Feedback is instant and regularly needed. There is a definite logic that you’re using something that’s expanding in every direction. The pool of content is vast. Some of it becomes popular, and a few is great, and a few gets to be both. As The Atlantic’s Taylor Lorenz put it, ‘Watching too many during a row can feel like you’re about to have a brain freeze. They are extremely addictive.’

Tiktoks real impact going forward may be that the other social media platforms decide that our friends were merely holding us back. Or, at least, it was holding them back.

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