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How to Advertise on Instagram in 2020: Definitive Guide

There is no doubt. 2020 consecrates online advertising in a definitive way, especially one that is applied to social networks, such as Instagram and Facebook. But what kind of advertising is most the one used by these platforms? Native advertising is the answer. We will cover the benefits of native advertising in this article. But if you want to learn more about display campaigns, you can check out this article.

Today I want to give you all the information you need to advertise on Instagram with concrete and measurable results.

How to advertise on Instagram I’ll start from scratch and leave nothing to chance. This will be your guide to your first Instagram ad campaign with all the aspects to consider and the step-by-step process to follow to successfully launch it.

Research is the first action to be taken to be able to have concrete results. I refer to the research of the competition (people and companies) who are leaders in the sector you want to “hit”.

Target is the selection of a specific audience to show your advertising to in order to achieve the predetermined goal.

Creativity is the aesthetic part of the promotional post, which can be an image or a video with a call-to-action.

Analysis is the most important action that is done during and / or at the end of an advertising campaign. Analyzing, measuring and comparing the results obtained in order to be able to optimize the next campaigns is essential in order to get closer and closer to the set goal.

Why advertise on Instagram

Instagram has reached the figure of over 700 million active users worldwide, a figure which was confirmed by Mark Zuckerberg himself on his Facebook profile and reported by the authoritative statesman portal.

700 million users on Instagram

The number of users, impressive as it is, is not the most interesting figure. According to a recent analysis by Locowise, Instagram has an engagement rate of 70% higher than Facebook. By interactions we mean any action that the user makes with a post: like, comment, purchase, visit to the site and so on.

This is certainly one of the main reasons why it is worth promoting your products / services on this Social Network. Provided that the product / service and the type of advertising campaign is in line with the target users present on Instagram.Look for your competitors

Before proceeding with any other action, it is important to do a thorough research on your competitors. Look for those who are the leaders in the sector you want to “attack” and analyze their Ads campaigns, which calls-to-action they use and how many interactions they can generate.

Competitor Analysis

It’s actually simpler than you might think. Many, if not all, use the Facebook pixel for remarketing. In short, it is a way to track users who have been to a particular site and then repurpose sponsored posts to them.

Set the Goal of the Campaign

Now that you know a little more about how your competition moves on Instagram, it’s time to establish the primary goal of your Instagram advertising campaign.

What do you want people to do when they view your sponsored post?

Instagram ads use the same platform as Facebook and the objectives that can be chosen are many:

– Brand awareness: Increase your brand awareness

– Coverage: Show your ad to the maximum number of people

– Traffic: Increase clicks to your site or to your App on the App Store or Google Play

– Interaction: Involve users as much as possible to take action on your post such as likes, shares, events, comments or purchases.

– App installations: land users in the store where your app is located and encourage them to download

– Video views: Promote videos and get more views

– Conversions: Encourage people to take actions on a site or app, such as making a purchase.

Basically, all of the points above must be carried out on an ongoing basis to realize effective advertising in 2020. Thank you for reading!