IMC Grupo

How To Make a Top Fake id

Creating a top fake id is extremely difficult, and also extremely dangerous. Penalties for making a false ID can involve spending time in jail or paying a fine of thousands of dollars. It also doesn’t help that law enforcement, security experts, and ID scanners are incredibly adept at uncovering fraudulent documents. If you decide to make a top fake id you will need a template, a lot of knowledge about how to use photo editing software, and access to the right type of card stock and materials.

Make a simple top fake id out of cardstock

1. Scan the front and back of an ID card

You can use yours and change the text, or you can use someone else’s and change the image, as long as the measurements, hair, and eye color are the same. No matter which option you prefer, you will need to scan the ID to make sure the barcode on the back matches the ID on the front. 

· The barcode on the back is encrypted with the information on the front. Even if you change the text, it must include the same status, license number, and unmodified information.

· It’s easier to change a photo than to change the text.

Warning: It will be very difficult to use any ID from the internet because you will need to change most of the ID. Also, the resolution will look bad when printed unless you can adjust it to be the exact size of an ID.

2.Open the front of your ID with an image editing program like Photoshop

If you don’t know an image editing program like Photoshop, GIMP, or PhotoScape you can use an online image editor like Sumo Paint or Paint.Net. Open the image in the program of your choice to adjust the identification. 

3.Paste a new photo on top of the current ID image if you’ve scanned someone else’s

Open the photo that you will use to replace the current one. Crop it to be similar in size to the original. Export the new photo into a separate file and then open it in the same project as the scanned ID. Drag it over the original photo until you are happy with the location.

· Alternatively, you can put the new photo in the location where the photo should go on the ID and then crop the sides of the image with the cropping tool in whatever program you use.

· Hold down the shift key in Microsoft programs while dragging the corner of a photo to keep the aspect ratio of the image identical to the original photo.

· If you’re new photo doesn’t appear on the front of the ID, right-click on it and find the layers tab. select “bring to front” or “front” so that it is located over the identification.

· If you need to take a new photo specifically for the new ID, use a camera and tripod to take it. Try duplicating the background of the original ID by hanging a curtain or sheet of the same color behind you.

4. Identify the source used in the identification by conducting an internet search and comparing it to modify your identification

If you scanned your identification and want to change the text, you need to start by identifying what type of font the font has. You can search the internet to see if information about your state or department is available, or you can simply open the ID next to a list of commonly used sources and compare them. 

· The Courier font, with a slab serif, is used in many older licenses.

· Many new driver’s licenses use Arial or some slightly modified version of it.

5. Cover the font by copying and pasting the background over the old text

 Use the “clone” or “clone stamp” tool to cover any letter or number you want to change. Enlarge the plane of the identification image and copy the part of the white background that is immediately next to the letter or number that you are going to change. Move that copied background part and place it over the letter or number and position it so that it looks like it was never there. Put a text box over the letters or numbers you want to replace before typing in the new values. 

· You can enlarge the plane and modify the existing text instead of replacing it. For example, you can change an 8 to a 6 by using the clone stamp on the top right of 8. Similarly, you can change a 6 to an 8 by cloning the bottom right of the bottom loop and pasting it into the opening.

· If you plan to change entire lines of text, the result will look very bad. Try to modify as little text as possible as cloning tools in editing programs will only work on a smaller scale with the complicated backgrounds of most IDs.

· Check the base of any new text you enter to make sure it matches the other characters in the ID.

6. Change the name, date of birth, codes, or license numbers

Modify as little text as possible to minimize the need to cover text. However, if the details don’t match the photo, you won’t have much of a choice. Change hair color, eye color, and height to match the person who will be wearing the ID. If you are only using the ID as a novelty, then you should not worry about changing these details. 

· Please enter a full name, without abbreviations. The only case in which you could use an abbreviation is for things like “Juan Carlos III.”

· Use a realistic date of birth. Don’t leave a 1951 birth date if you are 20 years old.