IMC Grupo

How to make your Narrow Hallway Look Bigger

Are you looking to make your narrow hallway look bigger? Narrow or wide, everyone deserves a hallway that serves elegance, class and colour. Your hallway is one of the most important spaces in your home. It welcomes you after a long day and is the first room that welcomes your guests. 

Many things can help trick the eye. And with that in mind, let’s take a look at some ideas you can do to make your narrow hallway look bigger. 


Mirrors are the best choice if you’re looking to create an illusion of more space. Not only do mirrors create more space and light, but they also lengthen your hallway. Hang them horizontally and place them down your hallway for a wider effect. Don’t forget to experiment with different shapes like hexagons and rectangles. 


Solid wood engineered oak or luxury vinyl tile flooring planks can help make your hallway look bigger. Place them horizontally down your hallway to create an illusion of more space. If you’re leaning towards tiles, try to go for lighter-coloured tiles with fewer grout lines to make your hallway feel more spacious. 

Say no to Clutter 

Clutter can make your space look untidy. Avoid leaving shoes and bags on the floor to create a tidy space. Clutter and mess can often make a room look smaller too, so if you’re looking to widen your hallway, place clever storage units to clear everything off your floor. This could be a nifty corner table or shelf unit.

Walls and Skirting 

Painting your walls and skirting boards the same colour can create the illusion of a bigger hallway. Choose from a light colour palette that reflects the light of it to create an airy space. With light colours in mind, pair with light solid oak flooring to create a minimal space. 

Hang Long Pieces of art on the Walls

Although they are narrow, hallways encourage a sense of depth by having two opposing walls with artwork hanging between them. The trick is to make sure that your wall hangings are hung far enough apart so that it appears as though there is room for people or furniture in between.

Hanging lengths of fabric can also help create this illusion. Fabric will give off an optical effect where it softens hard lines and makes spaces appear wider than they actually are. This works especially well if you have low ceilings!

Fill in the Dead Space Above Doors with Furniture

Push your dresser or chest of drawers against that empty wall space to create an illusion of width. This works especially well when you have low ceilings!

Not only will you be able to store items in this area, but it also adds a sense of style and sophistication by filling up what would otherwise be an open void on the wall. If you don’t want to use real furniture for this trick, try hanging curtains across the top half of doorways instead. They’ll serve as both decoration and concealer – perfect if you’re pressed for time or money!

Use Light Colors

Light paint and brighter lighting will make your hallway appear larger. The extra color adds a sense of style in addition to expanding the area in front of you, so it’s always good to incorporate some bolder tones in small spaces like these!

Make sure that when choosing lighter shades for hallways and other narrow areas, you avoid anything too bright or strong; choose delicate pastel hues instead. This way, there’ll be no risk of overwhelming yourself with such a tight space!

Vertical Stripes

Vertical stripes on the walls are especially good in making your hallway look wider. They help to elongate narrow spaces and draw attention upwards, away from any potential claustrophobic feelings you may have.

Remember to only use the stripes on one side of your hallway. If you wanted them all around, it would be rather chaotic and disorientating for guests! To completely avoid this problem, why not opt for a contrasting colour wall? This simple choice will help draw attention away from any narrow spaces or low ceilings while still creating an elegant look.

Tall Plant

A tall plant can also help to make a hallway look bigger. In fact, according to an article on the website of The Guardian , green walls are becoming increasingly popular in both homes and offices as they not only provide comfortable sound absorption but also great insulation! If you do decide to try this strategy out for your home or office, remember that there should be enough room between it and any doorframes so guests don’t bump their heads on them when entering/leaving.

Once again, if all else fails then why not simply remove anything which is causing claustrophobia? This may include removing furniture (especially bulky pieces), pictures or mirrors etcetera from the space altogether; whatever will benefit your new stylish hallway design the most!

Light Up Your Halfway

Lighting is extremely important. Check the lighting of your hallway and make sure you brighten it up as much as possible, especially if you have more than one door leading into or out of this area (which can cause a lot of shadows). You could also fit some wall lights for added effect.

This will create an illusion that your narrow hallway looks bigger and better! Use plenty of natural sunlight to achieve maximum results; don’t forget to open the curtains on sunny days too which will help reflect extra light inside.


Having more than one coat rack or umbrella stand in your hallway can cause the space to look smaller. If you have narrow hallways and don’t want to think about getting rid of these items outright, try placing them somewhere else like near the front door instead (or even out on the street for that matter). It will help de-cluttered while still keeping all necessary key pieces inside too.

Most people tend to hang their coats up during winter months which means they are often scattered over different areas together with umbrellas. Try not to overload yourself by having too many things either; it is simply better if these important features are put away neatly when not required!


We would like to conclude our topic on how to make a narrow hallway look bigger by suggesting some additional ideas too. Firstly, if you have just moved into a new place then try and ensure that any items of furniture you plan on keeping within the hallway are able to fit through the doorway without getting stuck! Secondly, think carefully about what colour scheme your hallways will be painted in so it matches with key features such as carpets or wallpaper.