
How to Use SEO Data to Fuel Your Content Marketing

If you’re trying to improve your digital marketing efforts, it’s important to make sure everything is working together. For example, SEO and content marketing services should complement each other. If you’re not using SEO data to make content-related decisions, you’re missing out. This data gives you key information about what users want and what will drive the best results. Like anything else, the more information you have to make decisions, the better your outcome should be.

Here’s how you can use SEO data to improve your content marketing strategy.

Learn More About Search Intent

Creating content topics can be difficult sometimes when you’re doing it regularly. However, this is much easier to do when you understand what your audience is searching for. If you aren’t using your SEO data to create new content ideas, you could be missing out on a lot of lucrative opportunities. Of course, you can’t create the relevant content your audience is looking for without the right keywords. You can find relevant keywords that you aren’t using and create content that includes these keywords to expand your reach and increase your traffic. With SEO data, you can fill content gaps and have an easier time figuring out what topics to cover.

Update Old Content

Just like understanding search intent and performing keyword research can help you create new content going forward, it can also help with the content you already have. You invest a lot of time in writing content, so you don’t want to be useful for just a short while. Using SEO data can help your older content continue to perform well, which can also be easier than creating something new from scratch. You might find that you have content that used to do really well, but the keywords you use aren’t relevant, or some of your information is outdated, so it doesn’t get much traffic anymore. Sprucing up your old content so that it continues to benefit you helps you make the most out of your time and effort.

Track User Behavior

What type of content are you doing that brings in the most conversions for your website? This is something you can figure out with SEO data. You can’t get a full understanding of how your audience reacts to your content without tracking their behavior. If you find that certain pieces of content cause a lot of conversions, you can implement what you’re doing right on these and implement them in all the content you write. Likewise, are pages with similar features doing consistently bad? You might find that some pages have a higher bounce rate, and you need to figure out why that is.

Find What Content Gets the Most Links

Getting other websites to link to your content can be a challenge. Even if people do link to your pages, you might only get a few people linking to only a few pages. This can be frustrating if you think you’re producing high-quality, informative content. To improve your chances of getting more people to link to your content, you need to learn more about the links you already have. You can use SEO data to see what pages other websites are linking to so that you can get an idea of what people deem is the most valuable. 

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