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Interesting Ways To Make Extra Money That Really Work

If you need extra money to supplement your regular income, it can be done. There are really interesting ways nowadays to make extra money that can work for most people.

You don’t even need to have excellent education or skills to be able to make extra money as you will find from reading the rest of this article.

1 – Sell Photographs to People Online

If you love taking photographs you can be making money just selling these online to people who are interested.

People are interested in many different things and some of them even pay money for pictures of what they are interested in.

In particular there are people interested in feet so much that they can pay money for feet pics of those who have attractive looking feet.

You simply take pictures of your feet and sell your best feet pics to such people. They even pay for every feet picture you sell them or even videos of your feet.

If you don’t want to sell pictures of your feet, you can sell pictures of nature or your surroundings.

There are many websites paying money for pictures that people take.

2 – Offer Instructions to People at the Gym

If you are a regular gym junkie who loves going to the gym all the time, you have a skill that others can pay money for as a personal trainer.

You can offer diet instructions and exercise training to men and women who want to get fit.

Earning money through personal training can be rewarding as well as fun. You make money helping people keep fit and you keep fit at the same time yourself.

Talk about a huge win win opportunity when you help people keep fit and get paid at the same time as a gym instructor.

You can also be making money recommending products that have helped you and have them buy such products through you. You get a commission each time any of them buy through your affiliate links.

3 – Make and sell handmade Jewelry to People Online

You can make money on the side by creating and selling handmade jewelry, beads and other items for body adornment like bracelets, earrings, necklaces etc.

You can start selling to people in your office, your neighbor or those around you.

Thanks to the Internet, you can also leverage sites like Etsy which is a marketplace for handmade jewelry.

Most sites like Etsy are completely free to join and can help you find customers who are interested in your jewelry, especially if you are known for good quality jewelry.