IMC Grupo

Provide After Care to your Mattress to Increase its Life

In older times, people were tough and their stamina was good. This happened because they lived a life where a lot of hard work was accomplished with dedication. They did not survive on junk food, but rather ate only organic and natural vegetation. Even today, we find people working harder for their livelihood, but that hard work doesn’t include physical work out.

Healthy lifestyle for better life

If you ever visit a tribal area or a village you will never find anybody complaining about joint pains or any problem related to health. This is because since childhood they have been taught to work a lot to stay healthy. Of course, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the main reason for a better life. Today, the world is moving towards glamour and fake life which includes people who have nothing to do, but waste money.

People are working hard to get an affordable life, but with that they are compromising on their food and sleeping habits. Since life has become so fast and competition in the professional world is getting tougher, that people don’t have time to look after their health. By the time people realize what damage they have done they either suffer with some disease or are fighting for their life in the hospital. Hence, the end result is loss of job and family tensions.

Thus, it is necessary that people do look after their health, even though they have a nomadic life or a hectic schedule. Just a few minutes of physical workout, a healthy and nutritional diet and proper hours of sleep is what we are talking about. If you don’t sleep well, you feel lethargic all day and skip your proper meal. To keep yourself active, you munch on a burger and coffee to keep yourself light. How do you think a burger full of cheese will keep you light?

Well, there are various drawbacks of not sleeping well. When you wake up in the morning, you don’t feel fresh, rather you’re fatigued, irate and angry. You snap on everything that comes between you and your mood. The only solution you find is to take ample cups of coffee.

While in the office or any other place, you look for seconds to doze off. This can be risky if you’re on the driver’s seat. Also, your learning ability reduces because your brain isn’t supporting you. This happens with kids if they don’t sleep well. They are tired all day, sleep in class, and look for ways to run away from physical activities as their body feels lethargic. This results in dullness and poor performance in class. Similarly, adults receive failure in life if they aren’t paying attention to their health.

Doctors say that eight to nine hours of sleep is important to remain healthy. Although with age, your hours of sleep start to deteriorate because you’re physical activity lessens, but even then people manage the remaining hours in the afternoon. It is also said that it isn’t necessary that you might get eight hours of sleep daily. There could be your kid’s exam or you have to prepare a presentation for tomorrow. In such cases, you can always compensate for your sleep on other days.

Here are few things that you need to manage to get a healthy sleep –

Remove all gadgets

It is said that electronic gadgets emit blue light which triggers our melatonin present in the brain. This melatonin decides our mood the entire day. This means, if melatonin is triggered, then it sends a signal to our brain to stay active, if melatonin stays calm, then the brain gets the signal to relax and you feel sleepy.

If you use any electronic gadget like television, laptop, android phone, computer, tablets etc. late night, then you might take hours to get your sleep as your brain cycle has been reversed and it isn’t thinking of bedtime. Hence, whether it is your kid who loves watching cartoons or it is you or your spouse who has the habit of finishing last minute work late night, both will have to manage their daily routine.

All electronic gadgets should be turned off an hour before bedtime. Lights should be dimmed so that your eyes get a soothing effect. Broad lights often irritate your eyes. If you follow this routine strictly, then your kids would be forced to follow the same, hence the entire family will be on the same track leaving no other option.

Correct mattress for your spine

Not many of us realize why we’ve been tossing all night. We blame our boss or family for giving stress and tension. Partly it might be right, but you can also blame your old mattress that has sagged from the middle and is hugging you while you’re asleep.

A top-rated mattress plays an important role in our healthy life. Let’s take an example, when we sit on our chair in the office for eight long hours, we get back aches, which is because the chair was uncomfortable and the cushion was flattened due to pressure. When you get up and stretch a bit, you feel good.

The same happens with your mattress. Due to excessive pressure and stress, the mattress foam flattens or bends from different places. Foam also breaks in pieces, which hurts your back tremendously. If you have a sagging bed, then sleeping on your stomach can put pressure on your spine because with your mattress your spine also bends. If you sleep sideways, then you will always roll to the place where sag is more. Hence, it is wise to get a proper mattress to sleep, so that when you wake in the morning your neck or back doesn’t pain.

To maintain the life of your mattress, you can always follow these few simple steps –

No matter how much you care for your mattress, after every eight or ten years, it needs replacement. If you ever realize that you have back ache or neck ache in the morning when you get up, then reach your nearest store or check online to find what’s trending in mattresses.