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SEO Strategies That Are Still Implemented For Website Optimization

You may have a flawless marketing strategy that convinces people to buy your product.

But when they visit your website, they face trouble operating it and placing orders.

And within seconds, poof! They are gone.

Due to this, your site’s bounce rate increases and search engines push it down in the SERPs.

All that happens due to a poorly optimized website.

But, you don’t have to worry anymore. We have a solution.

Every SEO strategy listed below helps you create a well-optimized website that both humans and crawlers will love.

1.   Switch From HTTP to HTTPS

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol “Secure”. It means that a website is secure, and all the data (or sensitive information) from and towards it is encrypted.

Whereas websites running on HTTP (not secure) have unencrypted data that attackers can intercept and steal.

Now ask yourself: would you be in business with a website where your data is vulnerable? Of course, not.

That’s why 46% of people don’t do business with a website flagged as “not secure”.

Moreover, in 2014, Google made HTTPS an official ranking factor as a part of its initiative to make the internet safer for everyone.

So, if your website doesn’t use HTTPS, it’s time to get an SSL certificate before you lose more business and rankings.

2.   Post High-quality Content

Who doesn’t like well-researched, informative content that teaches you something? I like it. I am sure you like it. And Google likes it so much that they created a 175-page document on it.

RECOMMENDED READING: Read a brief (but effective) version of Google’s document about high-quality pages and content.

So, what’s the secret sauce to create high-quality content? No-one knows. But here’s a list of questions you must ask yourself before posting any piece of content:

Make sure that your answer to these questions is always a “YES”.

Most businesses hire a digital marketing agency in Gurgaon for high-quality content. And at Justwords, we specialize in creating kick-ass content that delivers and we are also Google certified. So, who better to choose?

3.   Make Your Website Mobile-friendly

In 2020, 68.1% of all website visits globally came from mobile devices.

So, it’s safe to say that your website probably receives the most traffic from mobile devices. (You can also check your Google Analytics and be 100% sure.)

Now, what happens when mobile users access your site and face trouble navigating it?

They’d get frustrated and leave, which I am sure you wouldn’t want.

So, here’s what you should do: conduct a mobile-friendly test of your website. It will only take a few seconds.

Source: Google Mobile-friendly Test

Suppose the report comes positive, great! But, if it’s negative, you must hire a mobile SEO agency in Gurgaon that can create a mobile-friendly version of your website.

IMPORTANT. Even though most people access your website via desktop, I’d still advise you to make your site mobile-friendly because it is an official Google ranking factor.

4.   Improve Your Page Loading Speed

If your page takes more than 3 seconds to load, the bounce rate increases by 90%.

And that has a domino effect on other important metrics like search rankings, traffic, conversions, and so on.

Simply put, slow loading speed can topple your entire marketing funnel.

If that wasn’t enough, Google also made page loading speed an official ranking factor in 2010.

Lucky for us, the search engine also released a free tool to check page loading speed.

Source: Google PageSpeed Insights

And if you scroll down in the report, you can find opportunities to help your page load faster.

Source: Google PageSpeed Insights

5.   Remove Interstitial Pop-Ups

What do I do when a website throws interstitials pop-ups at my face? I hit the back button just as I landed on your website.

Google calls it pogo-sticking, and it is really bad for SEO because your website can get penalized for it.

What is pogo-sticking?

The user searches for a query, visits the first result, but closes it for some reason, then goes back to the result page and clicks on another result. To search engines, that means the user wasn’t satisfied with the query they found on the #1 result.

So, to save yourself from the penalty, remove any intrusive interstitial popup on your website. And while you are at it, improve your site’s navigation as well.

Final Thoughts

Creating a well-optimized website isn’t easy. It requires a lotttt of work.

But you always have a solution.

You can read online about “how to optimize your website” and implement what you learn. (Given if you find “quality” posts on it.)

Or you can hire a do-it-all digital marketing agency in Gurgaon like Justwords and optimize your website and grow your business exponentially.

So, what are you waiting for? If you don’t have a well-optimized website, it’s time to make a decision. The longer you wait, the more you’ll lose (your rankings and visitors).