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Should We Learn R Or Python?

Hi, everyone! Today we will learn about the difference between R and Python and which one we should learn. Let’s start now.

What is R?

R is a flexible mathematical programming language made for handling and analyzing data. It’s perfect for identifying patterns and trends in your results, building mathematical models, and creating striking data visualizations.

R’s numerous possibilities can be categorized into three groups:

More individuals learn R for data handling than for developing software applications. Since they were designed with this in mind, R’s data structures and variable forms are straightforward for data manipulation and analysis. You won’t have to worry about installing libraries while just starting because R comes with a variety of built-in data science functions.

R is a widely used statistical analysis, visualization, and reporting tool within the interactive computing environment RStudio (IDE). Thanks to Shiny, r applications can now be utilized interactively and directly on the internet. Once you’re more at ease with R, you should become familiar with packages like tidyverse, ggplot2 and dplyr. Packages are pieces of code that assist you in organizing your data, creating stunning images, instructing machine learning models, and other tasks. Using kits like these, you will not have to create data science features from scratch. Over 13,000 R packages were accessible when writing on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). If you want to expand your knowledge about R, let’s learn some basic R commands.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that excels at being clear and readable. It’s perfect for gathering important online data, creating machine learning algorithms, and integrating data science into more significant IT projects.

Python is frequently used in web development, data science, and other software applications. Whether or not they are already familiar with the language or have used it in the past, many people desire to learn Python for data science. Additionally, Python is a user-friendly language that is straightforward to pick up once you get started if you are new to data science.

Python has gained popularity as a language for data science thanks to the many libraries that have been created.

Python is particularly well suited for applying machine learning on a broad scale. With the help of its deep learning and machine learning packages, including  Keras, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, data scientists can build complex data models that are easily integrated into working systems. Jupyter Notebooks, an open-source web tool, enables you to publish documentation that includes computations, graphs, and data science explanations together with live Python code.

Difference between R and Python

The two languages’ approaches to data science are where they mostly diverge. Large communities support open-source programming languages, constantly expanding their libraries and tools. R is primarily used for statistical analysis, even though Python provides a more comprehensive approach to data manipulation.

Like C++ and Java, Python is a multipurpose language with legible and simple-to-learn grammar. Python is a programming language that allows for in-depth data analysis and machine learning in scaled production settings. For instance, Python can create a machine-learning application or incorporate face recognition into your mobile API.

R, however, was created by statisticians and mainly relied on statistical models and advanced analytics. R is an influential statistical analysis tool data scientists use, supported by a small amount of code and stunning data visualizations. R can be used, for instance, to analyze consumer behavior or conduct genomics research.

R vs. Python: Which should we learn?

The appropriate terminology to use depends on the circumstances. Here are a few things to think about:

It should be noted that numerous solutions, including Microsoft Machine Learning Server, support both R and Python. Because of this, most businesses combine the two languages, making the R vs. Python argument moot. Use R for preliminary data exploration and analysis before switching to Python to deliver data products.


You can combine learning both R and Python programming languages. It is very helpful for you. We hope you like this article. If you have any problems or questions, please visit to learn more. Thank you for reading!