IMC Grupo

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working in the Construction Industry


The construction industry is a booming field that is likely to always be around. Fortunately, there are many construction jobs available to those searching, and this is also an industry where one can go into business for him or herself. Of course, there’s a downside to everything, and construction is no exception.


Less Schooling and More Money

With the exception of becoming a construction manager (which usually requires a Bachelor’s degree), becoming a construction worker only requires you to attend two years of schooling after graduating from high school. Some programs may even allow you to work at an apprenticeship while you’re still in high school. Training to become a construction worker also costs a significant amount less than it does to attend a four-year college or university.

On top of all of this, construction workers get paid good money. The current national average pay for a construction worker is about $16 an hour, or $33,000 per year. This all depends on where you’re working and the type of projects you’re working on. Some construction workers bring home nearly $4,000 a month, whereas others may barely make $2,000 a month.

Freedom to Work Wherever

Speaking of where you work, working in construction gives you the freedom to go where the money and opportunities are. Many construction jobs are seasonal, so you don’t necessarily have to relocate in order to get a better job— although you can. You can also go into business for yourself and do freelance work as a general contractor. By doing this, you get to choose both where and when you want to work.

Access to Some of the Best Technology

Construction isn’t an industry shy to technology. In fact, construction is being transformed by technology in many ways. The main goal of these technologies is to make the construction site a safer and more efficient place to work. Many day to day tasks that were once done manually are now automated to save more time. Some technological advancements include drones, augmented reality, 3D printing, and construction robots.


Work is Taxing on the Body

It’s no secret that working in construction is hard work. You’re on your feet a lot, walking long distances, and carrying heavy supplies all day long. It is good physical exercise, but it is a lot of strenuous work at the same time. If you’re young, this may not affect you as much at first, but unfortunately, construction work is still dominated mainly by middle-aged men. Even at a young age, improper lifting and carrying can cause damage to your body that can be felt years and years later.

Work Environment is Dangerous

It’s also well-known that construction work can be particularly dangerous. One factor many people may not think of is that construction workers are exposed to the elements of the earth: wind, rain, cold, and heat— specifically, the sun. Construction workers are exposed to the sun for long periods of time, increasing their risk for skin cancer. This is why construction workers should wear sunscreen.

The most common work injury related to the construction industry is falling. This can be falling from a high elevation, or falling as a result of a trip or slip. Even though construction managers do everything they can do to make sure the construction site is safe, construction workers injured on sites are still very common in this industry.


Another notable con is that the construction field is also dominated by men at the moment. There are women in construction, but they make up a very small percentage of this industry. This can be due to the cons of working in construction, as women are often seen as more delicate and not as strong as men. This, of course, isn’t always true, as many women are capable of doing the same construction tasks as men.