IMC Grupo

The Best Home Entertainment Trends for Your Theatre System

You and the family are probably home more than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has forced many people to practice social and physical distancing, which means avoiding crowded spaces by staying home. It’s been a challenging year, and if you’re like the millions of others worldwide, you’re itching to see friends and family members. However, staying home isn’t so bad when there’s incredible technology to keep everyone busy and entertained!

If you haven’t updated your home entertainment system recently, now is the perfect time to do it. You’ve got nothing but time and an opportunity to make these stressful few months slightly more enjoyable. Let’s look at some of the top home entertainment trends to consider for your household.

A Bluetooth Projector

While many people love a big screen TV, they’d prefer to hide it when they’re not looking at it. The television can undoubtedly take up significant space in your home, and it often dominates a room with its booming sound and picture when it’s frequently turned on. If you love watching television but don’t want the TV set to become part of the furniture, why not get a Bluetooth projector? It’s a practical option for people who don’t necessarily want a giant flat-screen looming over them at all times.

You can keep your Bluetooth projector hidden somewhere convenient — maybe on an end table by the sofa or a bookshelf in the family room. And all you have to do is switch it on when you want to watch something — simply aim it towards a white pull-down screen or wall. It will connect to your internet connection so you can watch all of your streaming or cable services. Furthermore, the picture quality is fantastic, and it kind of feels like you’re in a movie theatre.

Voice Control Options

In a world when nearly everything is moving toward voice activation, it was only a matter of time when the home theatre system would follow suit. Utilizing the power of a virtual assistant such as Alexa or Apple Siri is a convenient way to navigate through your streaming and cable sites. For example, you’re in the middle of binge-watching The Crown on Netflix but have a sudden urge to check out your local news. Instead of flicking through dozens of screens and buttons, voice control enables you to get to the local news channel in a flash just by asking your virtual assistant to take you there.

December is a great month for deals because of the holidays; so don’t forget to find local online flyers from retailers like Best Buy and Walmart. You never when they’ll have virtual assistant devices or voice-activated smart TVs on sale.

Ceiling Speakers

Ceiling speakers are perfect for those who enjoy a clean look or have limited space in the home. They take a little work to install, but the high-quality surround sound will be worth it.

Consider these three entertainment trends if you’re looking to modernize your theatre for some quality family time at home. Gone are the days of big and chunky television sets and gadgets. Find yourself a sleek system that you can hardly tell is ever there, and you’ll be all set for 2021!