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The Power of Proofreading: 3 Tools Every Student Should Use

Proofreading is one of the most important parts of any written assignment. It is what separates a raw and unpolished draft from a formidable paper ready to be turned in. But even though the value of proofreading is well-known, this part of the writing process is often neglected. The time constraints put on students make it virtually impossible to give proofreading the attention it deserves.

It always comes last in any written project so it is virtually impossible to cut corners to get to it. So when a student decides to save some time, proofreading is the first one to suffer. Fortunately, there is a wide selection of useful tools available today that can make this process faster and more efficient than ever before. And every student should know how to use those.


Proofreading is by far the most time-demanding part of the writing process. It can be pretty hard to carve out some space for it in a busy college schedule. So your first issue is to try and make it less time-consuming. There are some apps that can help you in some specific aspects of proofreading here and there. But the easiest way to deal with this problem is to outsource it in its entirety.

Academic help services have been seeing a lot of growth throughout the last couple of decades. The giant industry that formed around it offers students a limitless choice of various services. One of the most reliable essay editors is Studyfy which has managed to build up a solid reputation. And it has very high chances of becoming your go-to option.

The help Studyfy can offer you goes way above and beyond the scope of a regular service. It’s more of a comprehensive academic help platform rather than an essay writing service. They can deal with pretty much any topic you throw at them on a variety of different academic levels. So you can start using them to help you with proofreading as early as high school and keep using them long after you graduate. To make sure that Studyfy meets your requirements read comments Studyfy reviews here you can leave comments on this company and read what people who have already cooperated with this service write about it.


The primary purpose of proofreading is to weed out any obvious surface-level mistakes. And grammar mistakes take the top of the list as the most obvious and surface-level of them all. Your grammar is the first thing your reader will pay attention to. By the time they get to the substance of your writing, it might already be too late. Grammar does affect your grades heavily so it’s always worth paying extra attention to it.

Having immaculate grammar is either second nature or a terrible chore. There isn’t usually any in-between. Regardless of which one is true for you, it is always a good idea to run your text through a grammar checker. Grammarly is just one of the countless tools suitable for this task. But it does its job really well. It’s very easy to use and it gives you everything you need with some extra features slapped on top for good measure.

When you throw your text at Grammarly, you are offered to specify a number of parameters based on several different criteria:

Some of them are useless unless you decide to invest in a premium version of the app. But it won’t affect your experience with the app in the slightest. The basic free features have all you need for standard college work. So after taking in your text, the app will then spit out a neatly organized list of suggestions. There you will find the grammatical mistakes it detected as well as bulky phrases that make your text harder to read.

Should you choose to go for premium features, it will also show you how engaging your text is as well as how spot-on your delivery of the material is. Keep in mind though, that the algorithm isn’t perfect. Use these lists as suggestions rather than instructions. Go through them one by one and determine which ones should be addressed and which ones can be disregarded entirely.


Another important purpose of proofreading is to root out possible plagiarism. This one is a bit more tricky than just reading over your text a couple of times. In our age of limitless information, it is pretty much impossible to tell for sure if a text is plagiarized without the help of specialized software. And Quetext is just the tool you are looking for. It’s not too fancy but it does its job well.

You might think that you don’t need plagiarism checks since you write all your papers yourself. But in reality, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Yes, if you are purposefully avoiding drawing inspiration from existing sources, the probability of your work being flagged down for plagiarism is minuscule. However, it is always better to be extra safe than sorry.

The check itself only takes a couple of seconds to perform. But these couple of extra seconds can save you from a nasty surprise further down the line. Sometimes, you don’t even realize when you are quoting your research source. But even if you are doing it on purpose, a plagiarism check can help you locate and rephrase sentences that incriminate you.

Final Words

Proofreading is easy to disregard as a useless step in the writing process. After all, if you do everything perfectly the first time you wouldn’t have to check for mistakes right? Well, not really. Even the most attentive and focused students can sometimes let pretty obvious mistakes slip past their guard. Add an overwhelming level of workload and mounting stress to the equation and that becomes the risk not worth taking.

No matter how confident you are in your abilities, it is always a good idea to take a step back and have another look at your work. In fact, you should try and make it a habit. It can save you a lot of trouble. So you teach yourself to do it automatically; its value will far outweigh the time you invest in it. And you will feel the effects of this safe approach as soon as you start using it.