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The Truth About Search Engine Optimization Everybody Should Know

The biggest truth about Search Engine Optimization from people who really know is to think like Google in the first place. Below are some words of wisdom from Los Angeles seo service experts.

Google doesn’t exist to provide meta-descriptions, to optimize images, to reward you for using the right long tail keywords or having the right backlinks.

Those are the trees, not the forest. Google, Bing and other search engines are there to answer questions that consumers have, whether that question be how do I pick the best yo-yo or how can I make an imitation of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

All of the other things, the keywords, the optimized images, a meta-description with a call to action. all of those are steps to help you get there along the path.

As a consequence, for every single blog post, or article, or whitepaper you feature on your website, always begin by asking yourself, “what do my customers want, and in plain English.

Recently, in the Senate hearings for Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett, Judge Barrett was continually asked to break down the legalization of her answers into plain English.

This is a problem with perhaps 90 percent of business websites in particular. They are written for only specialists in the field, and 90 percent of what they promise is unintelligible mumble-jumble.

So, our number #1 tip is write like you are talking to somebody with an 8th-grade education, and only thengo back and add then add all of the Search Engine Optimization hacks. in your second and subsequent drafts.

Write your initial draft in crystal clear English as if Google didn’t even exist and assume your reader has no background whatsoever in your subject matter.

2. Have a call to action from the beginning of every page

The reason Google pays attention to Meta Descriptions with a call to action, and looks for H1 tags (only one, thank you) is that search engines want to deliver the clearest answer to web-surfer’s questions.

Remember, behind Google and other search engines, there are not a million “readers” carefully analyzing the roughly 1 billion plus websites in the world. There are machines, “web crawlers if you will.” analyzing how they provide results.

So, think of Search Engine Optimization as “selling those machines” that you have the better solution to a customer’s query than your competition.

However, web crawlers are incredibly sophisticated at doing the analyzing. So, the main lesson here is to have a call to action every step along your website. Get to the point quickly, and stick to the point. Be fairly narrow if you want to rank well.

3. The need for speed

Besides being as precise as possible to what a customer is asking for, Google wants to be sure the user has a great experience along the way. And the number one concern of Google besides having a clear answer to customers questions is how fast can you deliver the results.

Time and time again experts such as Neil Patel say that 40 percent of customers will abandon their search if the website does not load in 2 seconds or less, and 80 percent will never come back.

In point of fact, between two web pages, one that answers all the important questions succinctly but loads in 4 or 5 seconds will rank much lower than a competitor who did not do as good a job as the first one, but who loads in 2 seconds.

Google wants both, precise answers and speed. And a lot of Search Engine tips are about speeding up your website, for example, compressing every image, even going down to the coding, taking a lot of the human but unscary spaces in coding.

The bottom line

There are a ton of Search Engine Optimization tips out there, but being clear, having a call to action everywhere, and making sure your website is optimized for speed will be among the main keys to get you where you want, which is higher rankings, more visibility, and sales