With changing times, the ways and methods of educating and teaching students have changed as well. The old ways that were employed by teachers to impart knowledge to students would still work today, but if we consider the interests of students in learning, and use new and innovative ways to help a student, the results of student engagement would be astounding.

Now comes the question: What methods to use to help students acquire more knowledge? This is where technology comes in. Technology holds a very important place in the lives of students nowadays.
If you use technology, the students will be more attentive and interactive when it comes to schooling. Changing technologies and social media have integral roles in the lives of students nowadays.
The use of technology in schooling is becoming more and more popular these days. The role of technology in schooling cannot be denied.
It can be used in various ways, from teachers holding live classes to sharing announcements regarding the class. Let’s see how you can use technology in schooling.
Table of Contents
1. Facebook
Facebook is very popular among the youths of today. It is the perfect platform that you can incorporate into the classroom. Design a Facebook page for your class, or a Facebook group where the instructor can post updates regarding class schedules, share the homework assignments, and discuss the questions with the students. This is one use of technology in schooling. The good thing about a Facebook page is that even if the student doesn’t use facebook, he/she can access it. However, the page will be open to everyone, not only your students. For them to be part of the Facebook class group, they will need a Facebook id.
You can restrict the members of the class group, thus offering you a bit more security than a Facebook page. You can also use the Facebook group to stream live lectures. There are various learning opportunities, learning tools and educational resources that help with the online learning of students, says Elijah Schmutz, teacher at papersowl.com. Technology helps you provide resources and tools to students outside the classroom, especially with a global pandemic going on where digital learning has started to become the norm.
2. Twitter
The second social media platform that you can use is Twitter. It can act as a great message board or discussion board for the class. You can use different Twitter handles according to the school year, or the course you are teaching.
Teachers can post reminders for assignments, share helpful links for resources and tools, and a lot more. You can personalize learning if you provide additional educational support and learning opportunities to the students online.
Learning technology in a high school classroom will equip the students with skills to progress in the world later since they will be equipped with the right tools.
3. Instagram

High school teachers will get great results if they use technology for student learning. The third popular social media platform that you can use is Instagram. Teachers can use Instagram to post educational graphics and instructional pictures that will boost the interest of their students regarding the course.
Flowcharts, maps, and other graphics can be presented to your students in an appealing way on Instagram. You can share pictures of school events, project exhibitions, etc. on Instagram.
4. Course Blogs
Blogs are another way that you can use technology in schooling. There are various platforms such as Wix, WordPress, Blogger, Medium, or Tumblr, where you can design class blogs. Students can make their accounts to add comments on your blogs or to design blogs of their own. You can share the course syllabus and instruction, assignments, information on homework, examples, resources, etc. on the Blog.
Education and technology are a good combination. You can also assign students essays and work that they will write and then post as online blogs. Not only will they learn more about a particular course, but they will also enhance their writing skills.
5. Via Pinterest
Another use of technology in education is Pinterest. Design a Pinterest board and save pins on the board that are relevant to your lectures. You can design boards as well as you go along the course.
The role of technology in schooling is vital. Students and teachers can use Pinterest to create a digital bibliography that they can use for group assignments, projects, etc. Every student can pin books, videos, or websites to a particular board and then refer back to it whenever they need it.
Use online tools to support your teaching program, review the performance of the students online, and provide them all the support they need including assignment help – all online!
With the advancement in technology, things are ever-changing. There have been several benefits of technological advancements and tools, the foremost of which is the use of various platforms to impart education and instruction to students.
Throughout history, information technology has played a key role when it comes to climatic change. The first impact of tech on our world was in the 1880s. During the 2nd Industrial Revolution – the Tech Revolution – to generate electricity for the factories, and homes, coal was used.
Use the ways we have mentioned above to engage your students in your lectures and classwork. It is high time that you embrace technology as a student, and use it for the betterment of your students as a teacher.
Happy Teaching, Folks!