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Top 6 UX Design Mistakes that You Should Avoid

When it comes to building a website, it is important to make it responsive in every aspect. Smartphones have become an essential part of our daily life. Most of us prefer to go through the website while using the search engine from our mobile. Thus it is highly effective to make sure that your website is checking on all the necessary areas related to the UX, which is crucial to building a customer experience. A UX agency can help you in better ways. Usually, dealing with a bad UX can affect your site negatively. Thus it is important to know properly about all the UX Design mistakes that you should avoid. Have a look:

Complicated interface:

If you notice all the popular apps and websites, the first thing you will discover is, they are highly simplified with the interface. Consumers have no time to deal with a complex UX design which gives them a hard journey on your site. Hence, the first focus you should put on, making the interface very simple and responsive. Keeping the call-to-action buttons simple and effective, and adding easier site maps, along with the proper functionalities, can boost the performance of your site. Using too complicated site structure or inappropriate CTA buttons must be avoided.

Using very poor navigation:

Your target should always be to achieve an easy-to-navigate website. All the users who come to your site will never appreciate the journey if it lacks the proper navigations in it. Thus an easy-to-navigate website is one of the most crucial parts of the UX design that you should include. Hence make everything crystal clear on your website that satisfies the expectations of your visitor. Thus while designing the UX for your site, never make the mistake of ignoring the navigation on it.

Using a non-responsive design:

A non-responsive UX design for your website is very harmful. Whether creating a design for the UX of your site, you must be aware of what is a responsive design. It plays a pivotal role in marking the success of any of the websites. There are plenty of websites that are not at all responsive. Users usually avoid those sites, which marks a huge drawback in the ranking. For both the mobile device and the desktop, the design needs to be seamlessly responsive, which would improve the ranking of the site, and at the same time, the results will be effective in the conversion rate.

Considering hard-to-read fonts:

The credibility of a website significantly reduces when you include hard-to-read fonts. Your reader is simply going to scan through the site to look for the information they are searching for. In case they find that your content is hard to read due to the fonts, it will affect the bounce rate of your site. The sole purpose of a website is to deliver content which your user finds valuable. In case it fails to do so, then it will be effective in the ranking. Thus it is important to pay proper focus on choosing fonts that are easy to read and easy to understand.

Stressing on creativity rather than usability:

Your website must be attractive enough to entice the user to stay hooked to it up to the end of the content. However, paying too much attention to creativity can negatively affect the performance of the site. Making the site highly creative without paying attention to its usability is marked as a poor UX. Hence, you should avoid any kind of possibilities that can lead to a poor UX. Keeping it simple and valuable is always the key to achieve a better conversion rate.

Considering a poor contrast:

Your site needs to have the proper assortment of contrast in it to become highly understandable. The color combination and the contrast-related settings are important to make your website appealing. With the lack of proper contrast, your site is surely going to suffer from poor performance. Hence focus on rendering proper contrast to your website design to make it highly effective.


Avoiding poor UX designing mistakes is one of the best ways to target a better strategic ranking for your site. You must focus on creating a simple and highly responsive UX that is highly functional and gives your users the best experience on your site. Also, it will help the search engine crawlers to render the proper position of your website in the SERPs.