
Two Effective Things We Can Do to Combat Climate Change in the Biden Era

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, you are well aware of climate change and the negative effect it is having on our planet. During the Trump presidency, many of the environmental regulations passed by the previous president were undone. While the results of the 2020 presidential election are still being ironed out at the moment, it appears that Joe Biden is the winner.

During his campaign to become the POTUS, Joe Biden has laid out a plan for attacking climate change. Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you align with, we can all agree that making changes that benefit the environment is a good idea.

An Overview of Biden’s Climate Change Policy

Before we dive into what you can do to combat climate change, let’s cover some of the details of the Biden climate change policy. While the proposal on Biden’s website contains lots of information, some of the main tenants of this climate change policy include things like:

·        An acceleration of clean technology in the United States.

·        A clean energy investment of $400 billion over the course of 10 years.

·        Policies to accomplish net-zero emissions in the United States by 2050.

·        Drafting of laws and guidelines designed to hold polluters accountable.

There is no denying that the Biden administration is passionate about reducing the strain currently being put on the Earth. Now that you know more about what the Biden administration plans to do about the current climate crisis, we will discuss what you can do to help fight against climate change.

Investing in Energy-Efficient Appliances

Performing an energy audit is a great way to determine where electricity is being wasted in your home. One of the main consumers of energy in a home is outdated appliances. If the appliances in your home are outdated, they will require more energy to operate properly. This is why incrementally replacing these old appliances with modern energy-efficient appliances is a must.

You also need to do things like turn off your electronics when they are not being used. Abiding by these energy-saving practices can help the environment and will also help you save money in the process.

Embrace Renewable Sources of Energy

Another way you can do your part in the fight against climate change is by using solar panels to harness the power of the sun. Modern residential solar panel systems are more affordable and reliable than ever before. You will need the help of professionals when trying to install solar power systems. These professionals can also help you figure out which solar panel system is the right fit for your needs.

Maximizing Your Efforts To Combat Climate Change

If you have already replaced energy-wasting appliances and have a solar power system in your home, then you need to seek out other ways to help the environment. When getting groceries, you need to be mindful of the bags you use. While using the plastic bags offered by the grocery store is convenient, it is not that great for the environment.

Investing in reusable grocery bags is a great way to avoid adding to the pollution problem in the United States. You can also carpool with others in an attempt to reduce the amount of carbon emissions you produce.

It’s Time to Take Action!

As you can see, the Biden administration intends to focus on improving the environment. Making the changes mentioned in this article is crucial when trying to help heal the environment.

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