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Visugu: 4 Tips to Grow Your Brand on YouTube

YouTube is a global platform that hosts millions of viewers each day. It makes total sense to put your brand there to expand your audience and get greater recognition.

Growing your brand on YouTube is more than just creating an account and posting videos, though. Here are 4 tips and strategies you can follow.

Make Sure It’s a Brand Account

A professional brand account will have several features that aren’t present in personal YouTube accounts, such as analytics, audience data and collaborative options.

So, before clicking on that ‘Finish’ button you’ll have to be sure you’re setting up a brand channel.

Create a Strong and Unique Visual Look

It’s important to leave a good first impression, and thus you’ll need to work on polishing your brand on YouTube.

Start with a well-made logo and complement with a banner image that’s in line with the image you want audiences to see. Make sure the images are in the right size and dimension so they look amazing.

Complete the ‘About’ Section

Contrary to what people might tell you, the ‘About’ section on YouTube is an essential part of a channel, since it allows viewers to get to know your brand better.

To this end, you must complete it and put in relevant information about your brand. Add information and keywords to make your channel more visible to those who are looking for it.

All About Content

At the end of the day a brand must focus on creating high quality YouTube videos that engage the viewer and make him or her push the ‘Like’ and ‘Subscribe’ button.

Brands who want to get an edge versus the competition will want to get a youtube video editing service so they can polish it up and add the necessary subtitles, branding logos and things that add value to the content.