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What Pedestrians Should Do If Hit by a Car

Pedestrian accidents are far more common than they should be, often resulting in injury or death for the pedestrian involved. If you’re hit by a car, there are several steps you should take to protect yourself, get medical attention, and improve your chances of winning compensation.

The Primary Goals

In the aftermath of a pedestrian accident, you have three main goals:

1. Get to Safety

Your first priority always needs to be getting to safety. If you’ve been hit by a car, you might be in a vulnerable spot – if you’re not careful, you could be hit by another car or suffer more damage. If you can move, you should be focused on preventing any further harm to yourself, before you do anything else.

2. Get Help

Next, you need to call for help. Depending on the situation, you might need to call an ambulance. You may also want to call other people around to your aid. No matter what, you’ll want to contact the police and file an official police report.

3. Get Information

Finally, you’ll want to gather information. The more information you have about the accident, the more likely you’ll be to win compensation. Evidence including camera footage and eyewitness testimonies can be invaluable here.

Steps to Take

Follow these steps to accomplish the aforementioned goals:

1. Remain Calm

You might be in pain. You might be confused. You might feel angry, and rightfully so. But if you want to respond appropriately in this critical time, it’s important for you to remain calm. Take a few deep breaths, try to separate yourself from your immediate emotions, and address the situation as calmly and logically as possible.

2. Get to a Safe Spot

Right after the accident, you should try to get to a safe spot. If you were crossing the street when you were hit, get to the sidewalk as soon as it’s safe to do so. If you were already on the sidewalk, try to get behind a protective barrier. Don’t put yourself at risk of any additional danger.

3. Avoid Pursuit

In pedestrian accidents, drivers sometimes attempt to flee the scene of the crime – that’s because the driver knows you can’t reasonably follow them. If you’re the victim of a hit-and-run like this, you may be tempted to pursue the vehicle, chasing them down to get them to stop and drawing attention to them. However, this is always a mistake. Pursuing the fleeing driver will put you in harm’s way and could cause them to panic, ultimately leading to more damage. Stay put and observe what you can.

4. Snap photos and/or videos (if possible)

If the driver is fleeing, try to snap a few photos or take a video. In your haste, this may be difficult, but any amount of evidence can be helpful. If the driver isn’t fleeing, try to take photos of the scene from every angle (and photos of the driver as well).

5. Call 911

If you or someone else needs immediate medical attention, call 911. Otherwise, call the police. Even if you don’t need an ambulance, it’s still a good idea to get medical attention to review the extent of the damage you’ve suffered.

6. Gather Witnesses

Depending on the situation, it may be important for you to gather witnesses. If there’s a lack of video evidence or if there are conflicting narratives about what happened, a witness statement can help solidify your case. See if you can track down someone who saw the accident occur.

7. File an Official Police Report

Police reports are vital for victims of car accidents. They serve as an official record of events – and a valuable piece of evidence when building a case. Make sure you get one and review it carefully to ensure its accuracy.

8. Take notes for yourself

This is also a good time to take some notes for yourself. Write down everything you saw in as much detail as possible – this information could be helpful later.

9. Get Medical Attention

Even if you feel alright, it’s a good idea to get checked out by a medical professional. Be sure to keep documentation of all your medical visits.

10. Contact a Lawyer

Once the chaos subsides and you’ve gotten any immediate medical treatment you need, your next priority is to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. A good personal injury lawyer will help you understand your case, work to hold the offending driver accountable, and ultimately win you the compensation you deserve.

You can’t prevent every pedestrian accident, but if you’re ever involved in one, you can respond responsibly. Taking the time to get to safety, get medical attention, and gather information will ensure you can make the smoothest possible recovery – and get compensation for all your medical needs.