
Why is Selenium Still the Preferred Automation Tool?

One of the most discussed topics in the world today is ‘Automation’. Invention and periodic improvement in Science and Technology have created a plethora of machines and tools with human behavior and reasoning, thereby, changing the working and business atmosphere. With the relevance of automation increasing on a daily basis, individuals and organizations have created a space to practice in this niche through the help of professionals in the field. Furthermore, several training centers have been established for online and onsite automation courses. Now, students can now enjoy affordable training opportunities from centers such as H2KInfosys and IITWorkforce. While focusing on the reason for the preference of Selenium over other automation tools, a brief explanation of automation tools will be a good starting point.

What are the Automation Tools?

The process of automation involves the use of other techniques to solve a problem or perform a task. One of the advantages of automation is the ability to achieve the end result faster and more efficiently with a greater probability of error-free results. After the process is completed, some tools are employed to test the software created. These are called automation tools.

In summary, automation tools are used for software testing activities.

There are several types of automation tools available for programmers and code writers. Although, they all perform similar functions, however, several factors distinguish them. Many of these courses are offered online like Selenium Online Training, UFT training, etc on H2KInfosys. Here is an insight into the various types of automation tools:

Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing (UFT)

Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is an automation tool designed by Mercury Interactive that enables programmers to carry out tests to check for errors and hitches that could disrupt the proper functioning of the software. One of the amazing features of this tool is the versatility and flexibility in learning. To discover more about these tools, you can learn more from H2KInfoSys and IITWorkForce.


Robotium is another type of automation tool. This tool is specially designed to allow users to test native and hybrid Android functions. Due to its simplicity and uncomplex nature, it’s one of the most popular Android automation tools.


TestComplete automation tool was invented in 1999 by SmartBear Software (a subsidiary company of AutomatedQA). This tool permits Behavioural Driven Development (BDD), and also one of the numerous tools that allow easy use with Artificial Intelligence (AI). TestComplete training can be taken from the IITWorkForce center.

The above-explained automation tools and many others are widely recognized and used by individuals across the globe. However, a particular type of automation tool is mostly preferred by many programmers due to several factors that distinguish the tool from others. What is this Automation tool called? What are the factors that stand it out amongst others? Are there any advantages users derive from using it? As a student, why should you enroll for Selenium Online Training? Read on to discover answers to these questions on the automation tool.

Selenium: History, Characteristics, and Advantages

Selenium is one of the most preferred automation testing tools. It was developed in 2004 by Jason Huggins. Being a free automation testing tool, it is used to test different browsers and applications written in several coding languages like Java, Python, C#, etc. Also, Selenium Online Training is one of the most enrolled in and enjoyed courses according to tutors on H2KInfosys and IITWorkForce.

Selenium consists of four main tools. These are:

  1. Selenium IDE: A record and playback tool used for model testing.
  2. Selenium Remote Control (RC): The foremost parameter in Selenium which permits the use of different programming languages like JavaScript, Python, etc.
  3. Selenium WebDriver: Considered the most significant parameter for Selenium. It supports various browsers and programs.
  4. Selenium Grid: Used majorly for distributive testing. It also allows testing on diverse devices at the same time.

Why should you use Selenium/enroll for Selenium Online Traning

 Here are some of the benefits of using Selenium: 

●     Open Source (Free):

Selenium Automation Tool is freely accessed i.e there’s no cost attached to its usage. This is one of the reasons why this tool is mostly preferred. For students and users, there’s an opportunity to save some bucks for other uses. More so, it is one of the most consistent tools due to the simplified functions which allow easy writing and testing.

●     Supports Several Browsing Servers

Selenium has been designed in a way that supports multi-browsers. Many of the most used browsing servers can be tested on the Selenium tool. This has simplified the work of users because one written script can be tested on all the common browsers.

●     Easy to Use

As a Selenium user, you will agree that the interface of this tool is designed for easy use. Selenium can be accessed and manipulated by beginners and this has increased its acceptability in the market today.

●     Periodic Updates

For any ICT-based function to retain its relevance in the present day and future years, it has to be updated periodically. For the Selenium tool, periodic updates are available with characteristics that require little or no learning. This makes Selenium flexible and maximizes costs too.

●     Suitable for Integrations

A selenium automation tool is suitable for integrations with other tools. For example, while testing on image-based or continuous testing, the tool needs to be integrated with others such as Jenkins, Sikuli. This process is carried out easily and yields the best results after.

Let’s wrap it up

With the brief pros of Selenium discussed, one can easily spot the reasons for the preference of the automation tool. Enrolling for Selenium Online Training is one of the steps to lead you to a higher level in your career as a programmer.

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