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Here’s What You Need To Know About Structured Data

There are several key elements, components, and features that you need to know about structured data. Of course, this valuable, rich information is becoming more important in the web development sector. Tech professionals across the globe are leveraging structured data to drive business results, improve online findability, and maximize brand control. As an experienced programmer, you should have a foundational knowledge of the innerworkings of these innovative solutions. This way, you can boost your SEO, increase your rankings, and stay ahead of the competition. To help you get started, read on to learn everything you need to know about structured data.

What Is Structured Data?

First and foremost, you should learn what structured data exactly is. Structured data refers to any information located in a fixed field, which is then stored in a record or file. Simply, it is any set of data that is configured, organized, and structured for webpages. It can consist of text, numbers, dates, or geolocations. Once placed in this format, data can easily be stored in relational database management systems (RDMSs). This way, it can easily be interpreted, processed, and understood by machine languages. Certainly, learn exactly what structured data is before adding it to your web development pipeline.

Can You Serialize Structured Data?

Next, find out more about serializing your structured data. Serialization is commonly used to translate object states or data structures into a retrievable format. One of the most popular resources to conduct this is with Protobuf, or Protocol Buffers. This powerful open-source project provides an extensible, platform and language neutral framework for structured data serialization. In the programming field, there are plenty of ways to use Protocol Buffers in real life. For example, message exchange through different architectures is an incredibly popular protobuf example to be aware of. Leveraging this functionality, you can maximize performance, capacity, and speed. Of course, this is incredibly beneficial if you frequently rely on IPC techniques or utilize embedded systems. Surely, it is important to learn more about how to serialize your structured data.

Can Structured Data Improve SEO Performance?

Now, you are ready to learn about how structured data impacts your search engine optimization efforts. For a start, structured data allows you to generate rich, visually-optimized search results. Typically, these are arranged through rich snippets, which can easily be found on search engine rankings pages (SERPs). Of course, these help you maximize organic traffic and drive clickthrough rates to your website. In addition, leveraging this functionality allows you to focus on semantic search. This way, you can show up in more relevant search queries in your website’s field. In fact, structured data will even positively contribute to your site’s credibility, authority, and experience. Indeed, structured data can greatly improve your SEO performance when properly harnessed. 

Are There Structured Data Guidelines?

At this point, it is time to find out more about stringent structured data guidelines. Quality and technical guidelines are routinely set by popular search engines. In order to maintain eligibility, site pages must be marked in wither JSON-LD, Microdata, or RDFa format. Similarly, you cannot block your pages to any form of access control method. In regards to quality, there are plenty of strict guidelines related to content, relevance, completeness, and specificity. Additionally, you will have to navigate requirements for location and images. Absolutely, it is important to learn all you can about search engine structured data guidelines.

What Can You Do With Structured Data?

Once obtained, you may be wondering what you can do with structured data. Essentially, this vital information allows you to communicate with search engines. You can tell them all the important information you want to emphasize on your pages. Then, search engines can utilize this information to generate targeted, informative, and useful results. Simultaneously, information-rich snippets will convey a professional authority to prospective website visitors. Definitely, it is important to learn about what you can do with strategically placed structured data.

There are a few key factors you need to know about online structured data. First off, learn more about structured data and relational database management systems. Next, find out about serializing your structured data with Protobuf or Protocol Buffers. Now, you are ready to learn about structured data for SEO purposes. At this point, read about the unavoidable search engine quality and technical guidelines. Once obtained, learn about what you can do with properly generated structured data. Follow the points highlighted above to learn everything you need to know about structured data.